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Everything posted by VPI

  1. Probably was but I was not there long so I focused on the stuff I had already preordered or intended to buy. I will check it out tomorrow.
  2. My fellow Occupiers. Stoned out of her mind
  3. Thanks. Went to the Photoplus Expo today and occupied Wall Street a bit more. Lots of Ginger Models for Colin A blonde or two Some Brunettes Someone for Steve and Fitz And the sexiest thing there and the Nex7 an extreme action shot
  4. Great stuff Steve, I wish I had noticed you were in town, it would have been fun to go out and shoot with you.
  5. and the necessary brackets/spanners/discombobulaters to make this work on my camera.
  6. Got the first shipment from Really Right Stuff. The monopod seems to be built to support a television news camera. It is pretty damn big and the knobs are enormous. I am not sure I trust their little adapter to allow me to continue using my Black Rapid strap. Seems to lock down well but for some reason there is a piece blocking you from completely screwing the strap into the plate. Seems like I read about some horror stories because of this. --- I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=40.749561,-73.975540
  7. and Cinemax After Dark.
  8. Zombies: A Living History. While I do have some disagreements with some of their facts it has been an interesting documentary on how to fight zombies and rebuild.
  9. For some reason I was talked into getting one of these also. and Amazon made me angry about having none of the new Sony lenses in stock yet so I got even and bought this e mount from them. No idea why I needed either.
  10. This setup with a bunch of L Plates.
  11. A while back when I sold the 50 f1.4 here. Have not done a lot of photography in the last few months.
  12. Went to Grand Central during lunch to take some shots. Then I Occupied Wall Street for a bit on the trip home. Then took some boring building pictures
  13. Does anyone remember the Amarra discount code that I saw 1000 times at the show and have now forgotten? I want to try Vinyl and it seems like the discount made for a decent price.
  14. Do you have someone in the IR slot? I do not see any reason why you could not pick someone up. If you need help PM me the people you want and I can do it for you.
  15. It is the 5D. I will shoot some ISO 3200 samples for you when I get home with both. I do not see a huge difference in image quality between the two.
  16. I am interested in hearing your opinion of that cleaner. It would certainly look a hell of a lot better than the VPI in my listening room and if it is as fast as they say it should be about perfect.
  17. Took some snap shots on the walk home tonight. Freedom Tower
  18. I understand pancake lenses exist, Sony has the 16mm f2.8. What I am saying it that It is easier to make a shallow lens for a tiny sensor than a larger sensor.
  19. The Olympus uses a smaller sensor so the pancake lenses are much easier to accommodate. I would love some nice pancake lenses, though it looks like some nice lenses are hitting the market in November.
  20. The Nex5 is still around. I have no idea what the clicking video problem is as I do not have it. I am digging the Nex5n. Check out the High ISO (25600) response on this crappy shot.
  21. I liked a whole lot of stuff there that I do not own.
  22. The sound was not very good. Little dynamics, not very engaging, very little texture to instruments, difficult localization of soundstage particulars. Could all be the speakers I guess. The only room that I heard that I was less impressed with was the Red Wine Audio room. It was definitely the lowest priced gear I listened to so maybe I was biased by the megabuck systems I spent the rest of the show listening to.
  23. I did not find the room impressive at all.
  24. Happy Birthday
  25. Forgot a couple. Todd was nice enough to have some etched beer glasses made for us.
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