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High Rollers
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Everything posted by VPI

  1. Rode a different route with Chris today that took us over a large bridge into Maryland followed by a never ending hill up into Maryland. I think while I am in better shape now I might actually be in worse cycling shape now that I only ride once a week at most. Today was fun but the wind on the Mad Fibers was a bit disconcerting as my front wheel would randomly just twist in the wind.
  2. Went to the Mad Fox Brewing. Festival with Had some and and even left with some parting gifts from Dusty, including his special vintage soured Bitches Brew.
  3. Maybe you should look for battery packs to see if it is a Di2 and you just didn't notice.
  4. Took the P&S out for a walk this morning.
  5. Thanks for the info. Can't decide if I go for the big setup or look at the 400 series with 4 drives as I am not sure 15TB is needed at the moment. I might just put three drives in the 1513+ for the time being.
  6. Do these Synology units allow you to add drives as you go, say start with 2 3TB drives day one and add drives as I need more space?
  7. I am finally ready to put one of these together. My wifi HD is on its way out so I need to build up a replacement. If I am looking for between 6-12TB of storage, which box would be my best investment?
  8. Looks as good as new Nate. When will it be christened at an official Head Case Cycling Team event?
  9. Hopefully my new set will not delaminate quickly like my old set. Maybe I should sell them off before it gets too bad.
  10. I keep an eye out for Ari passing through DC on his way to Florida or something on one of his epic rides.
  11. Food Truck Asian tacos. Pretty damn good.
  12. Another terrible week for me with byes this week. But at least when I lose this week it will not be to Brent, who I beat this week, *with half my team out on bye week" in case no one noticed.
  13. Took the P&S out to lunch.
  14. Sucks Jacob, but I guess better window than side panels, etc.
  15. I might be willing to do a one week trade with you for next week.
  16. It looked like Peyton allowed his brother to play for him today. I guess I can't complain about 30+ points from my QB even if he had 4 turnovers. My League Two Team is a disaster that was made even worse by me playing two players that were out this week. I guess I should have gone online after the ride to check my team.
  17. Man U, shrunken Fellaini?
  18. Thanks everyone, I have to give a lot of credit to Chris for basically pushing me all year on these rides. Definitely feel a lot better but I still have 40ish to go before I feel I am close to being healthy. Today's ride was great but the fit on my Calfee is not where I want it yet. Need another touch up. Thanks Chris for inviting us out again and leading us around.
  19. All done and celebrating Biscuit Boy style.
  20. This morning's HC Ride.
  21. Happy Birthday.
  22. This very much wraps up how I feel about my teams this week.
  23. Man I hate ties. I have the Armageddon of bye-weeks this week. I have one league with 6 people on byes or injuries as I have been playing with the team so much since the draft. My league two team will continue to blow and my league one team seems to be heading in that direction.
  24. Yeah I was trying to see how many I could get into one picture. I think the Concorde is my record.
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