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Everything posted by Juansan2

  1. sorry to raise this from so long ago, but did a portable amp for the Shure's ever happen?
  2. Got it, thanks very much. Looking forward to seeing your additional posts.
  3. iStax X (in two different sizes) and a slightly cheaper version called iStax XR….🤣
  4. Thanks very much for the feedback. For someone having to decide between the 007’s and the CRBNs, considering the similarity of the sound signature but the difference in price, what advice would you give ?
  5. Could you let me know how are you finding the treble sound compared to the 007 mk2s (and would your comparison be pertinent to the modified SRM-717 I have?) Thanks.
  6. 10k$ or MOAR you mean...🤪 I must admit between this and the CRBN there seems to be interesting stuff happening from the more serious players in the business.
  7. I didn’t mean resistance from you, I meant from the shill called “Not Deaf”.
  8. Someone asked about JR Audio on “that other site” in the Audeze CRBN thread and someone else intervened in typical shill fashion waxing lyrical about them and how his “electrical engineer friend” or some such says they are marvellous. I wanted to intervene but had already deleted my account and only lurk there occasionally as a guest. Fortunately Paradoxper intervened and straightened the whole thing out, but not without some resistance. Looks like getting the truth to people has become a real uphill struggle in some places.
  9. Hi @spritzerDid they sound bright with the foam tips or the silicone ones? I found the foam ones (comply) or the shure yellow ones ever so slightly dark but the silicone tips from spin fit just a bit too bright on some types of music. I’m Wondering if there are any “Goldilocks” alternatives (using the kse1200, not the 1500).
  10. Cheers
  11. What exactly is the advantage of embedding graphene into the membrane? Does anyone have any idea?
  12. From what I have read the membranes are actually “normal” thickness somewhere between 1.5 to 2.2 microns and the graphene particles are embedded in the membrane material itself which is made of something entirely different. This cut and paste from an Audeze rep on the “other” site: “CRBN's nano-tube infused film is between 1.5 - 2.2 microns, I can only provide a range not a specific number Also beyond a certain point it does not make much sense to chase thinness, air-loading starts to dominate, stability and robustness become more important. We have even tried 0.5 micron thin version...“
  13. Any idea when you will be receiving yours? Really curious to hear your opinion about it.
  14. I had the hugo 2 for almost 2 years paired to an audeze LCD-4z and later with the Stax sr-007 mk2 that replaced them. Very very detailed DAC but I found it just a tad “cold” and clinical. i found the hugo TT2 (and even the mojo) to sound a little bit warmer and more musical. but we are really talking about slight differences (to me anyway).
  15. I sincerely hope the sound signature (especially the treble) is a step up from from the LCD-4z which were far too “dark” for my ears (and I’m definitely not a lover of bright headphones). Although looking at the frequency chart posted I have my doubts.
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