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High Rollers
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Everything posted by thrice

  1. Why fucking bother then?
  2. Yeppers... That hall is a great place to hear orch music and the balacany is great as well. I saw Hilary Hahn there as well, can't remember what. I was a student at the College-Conservatory so i got tixs for free (it pays to date a viola alternate
  3. I've had a Lacie Big Disk and it worked fine until a wonderful dog of mine decided it needed to fly off the desk (I love my dog). I also have Western Digital MyBook 500GB and it seems to be doing just fine as well (about 3 months in though so that's hardly a long time to judge). But yeah go for the warranty and a second 500GB drive to backup your back ups. You won't want to lose all your data...that can be tough.
  4. Tell us how you really feel
  5. eBook readers have been around for awhile now and they never seem to catch popular attention. I guess reading a paper book still has a certain appeal (perhaps like vinyl ) I like the idea of an eBook reader and the idea of having tons of books loaded on it, but I have yet to see a product that would compel me to make the move.... now if Apple made it....Hrmmmmm Anyway to quote a lazy man (and he was most certainly lazy) from a great movie, "I still jerk off manually."
  6. Happy Birthday man, down some fine Belgian... I'll have one here in your honor!
  7. Congrats vicki! Indeed, I'd love to design a room around a full two-channel speaker system some day.
  8. Just so you know, you're balanced beta-deuce deuce will encorporate "Spliff-of-Light Technologies"
  9. Nate, why does your workshop smell like Otto's jacket?
  10. Some of us just roll tha chronic y'all
  11. Kinda like throwing a hot dog down the hall. Get an older Pioneer player (ca. 1990) and recase it...those things were freakin' huge......oh or a denon3910 or 2900...those are decent players and they take up a good amount of space. Or a hot dog.... a big hot dog.
  12. I draw the line at your mom...she's got a high-end. See what I did there?
  13. I kinda like the Ack Dac case.
  14. So essentially something has to look good to be high-end, regardless of price or quality, or function....by that regard everything/nothing is high-end since someone somewhere is going to think that component X looks/doesn't look good. interesting logic.
  15. and blackgatez
  16. I fail to see why you would think we thought that you asked a stupid question....take your thumb and forefinger and use them to take your panties out of your ass for a moment....calm down, have some dip. You asked about a balanced amp for $300. We answered...we're not calling you stupid for asking, we're just letting you know that for $300 you'll be hard pressed to find a good (or any for that matter) balanced headphone amp. Add to that the fact that you're looking for a balanced amp for a particularly difficult can to drive (the K340) and your options for a $300 amp are severely limited. Just because you don't like the answer doesn't mean we think it's a stupid question.
  17. the least expensive balanced headphone amp that I'm aware of is te Headroom Desktop balanced at $899...not sure how it would fair with the K340 though. But it's a damn good amp. Going balanced isn't as easy to do well for $300. Nate (n_maher) built a balanced Mini3....you might ask him how much that might cost.
  18. You haven't experienced enough pain then. Seriously though...I heard a pair at the FLA meet and I gotta say, I just don't get it...Fit issues asside (vice grip). It's the least natural sounding can I've heard. bass is bloated and the mids are recessed and colored. Highs are brittle.
  19. It's a damn good amp, no it's a freaking steal at that price. It doesn't get the credit it deserves..... perhaps if it had a gold knob...just one though, more than that and it just isn't special anymore.
  20. Warning: Do NOT buy cables from this man!
  21. Sucker... non-teflon coated mithril may avoid time smearage, but you're going to have to deal with sub-atomic harmonics. Everyone knows that mithril creates tiny reverberatory acoustic spaces on the sub-atomic level. This causes the electrons to accelerate beyond the speed of light momentarily and then slow down so it creates a static-warp shell around your cables. The result: You'll hear old Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes interfering with your signal. in syndication too.
  22. talk to highflyin9 from Head-Fi. he makes some damn fine cables at a great price...very knowledgeable.
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