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Everything posted by faust3d

  1. faust3d

    Blu-spec CD

    I don't have this one, but heard good things about it. I will put it on my "get it" list
  2. Fad Gadget - Fireside Favourites
  3. Fad Gadget - Incontinent (1981)
  4. Akiko Yano - Love Life (1991)
  5. Red Snapper - Reeled and Skinned (1995)
  6. Michele Rosewoman - Quintessence (1987)
  7. Yeah, but not on CD.
  8. Check this out:
  9. Can - The Peel Sessions (1995) Woo fucking hoo! Finally got this on CD, minty fresh, for a fairly reasonable price. Still I spend more than I ever intended on it. Very good stuff and very very hard to find in good condition.
  10. Symbyosis - On the Wings of Phoenix (2005)
  11. I really should get sepia colored glasses.
  12. Al Di Meola - Elegant Gypsy / Casino BGO Records remaster is not bad at all. Very clean sounding and not compressed.
  13. Played with positioning and found this works the best: Plus now my apartment looks like a magazine advertisement from the 70's
  14. faust3d


    I want that! I might even go camping if I get this stuff, or not.
  15. Heinz Holliger - Romancendres (2009)
  16. faust3d

    Blu-spec CD

    Just stumbled onto this stuff. Anyone has one of these? Is this just another gimmick? Weather Report - 8:30
  17. Gods of Fire - Hanukkah Gone Metal
  18. Changed placement and had them playing for some time now and I am amazed how resolving these speakers are. I never heard anything with this level of micro details short of Ergo AMT or SR-007, forget about all of the speakers that I heard, non of them come close I am talking about headphone levels of details here. Apogees are resolving, Quad 68 are resolving, ML speakers have a very good transient response and detalization, Magneplanar have lots of low lever details but these things are like a microscope all this while having the most lovely midrange ever. This is with an amp that is not that best amp form them by a long shot. I need to get Plinius SA100 or some similar sweet Class A monster in this ASAP
  19. Edgar Froese - Aqua (1974) Eela Craig - (1971) Eela Craig - (1976)[url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Progressive+Rock/]
  20. I had a chance to get BIG SoundLabs, don't remember the model, for like 2K. But when I measured them they would not fin in my stairway, so I unless I would bring them in trough the window I was shit out of luck. I wish I had a house.
  21. Morton Subotnick - And the Butterflies Begin to Sing (1997)
  22. Эдисон Денисов "Пена дней" (Edison Denisov - Ecume des jours)
  23. I wish you could pick them up. After that many years it would be cool to find a good home for them. For now I might do a huge comparative listening session. Should be a lot of fun. Yeah, up to 15 degrees upwards.
  24. Shipping would be a problem unless you are moving to NYC!
  25. Yeah, I will tell my wife these are just new acoustic panels, you think she will believe me?
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