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Everything posted by faust3d

  1. Here is linky for you Telefunken TH-700
  2. Cool. How do you like them?
  3. Hey guys, who has the 1.2B now?
  4. Craig is very nice indeed and helped me get a lot of good stuff that I had not other way of getting. Cool orthos come up on that site as well.
  5. Welcome to Chesky Records: The Premiere Audiophile Record Label More info here
  6. faust3d


    Beyer DT100, a very good deal if you like studio monitoring headphones
  7. I also liked SR-404/303 better than Lambda Signatures, I do like my LNS better than all other Lambdas.
  8. Thanks, Faust is one of my favorite krautrock bands.
  9. Did you try to tuberoll with your SRM-T1S? I tried nice RCA cleartop tubes and got much better bass with them. I am going to look for some Toshibas to maybe even further improove it.
  10. Will do. Thanks again, can't wait to listen to HE1.2B
  11. Not very, just hard to find.
  12. I think you will just love QP85 or PMB500.
  13. Aha
  14. What did you replace them with?
  15. Thanks a lot. This should be fun, since I have a lot of good headphones to compare them to
  16. I would be interested in HE Audio 1.2B loaner program:cool:
  17. Correct, the headphone housing spins independently of the pads, so the best positioning can be archived. I listen to my O2 like this: I assume you guys have similar positioning to get the best seal.
  18. I bet with ISK as low as it is you can have it shipped to your door for just a few dollars, might be still fresh
  19. Aha, I see it. Thanks man. I will be very careful with my O2 now, I was anyhow:rolleyes:, especially with the cable.
  20. no screws?
  21. So would you say SR-007 is as reliable as Lambda series if handled properly or does the cable entry presents an issue that will come out with time? My understanding was that SR-007 was a fairly reliable headphone with no known issue like the original Omega, am I not correct in my assumptions?
  22. As far as I know original Omega (Ω) is the one with problems due to issues with fragile drivers. Both Ω2 Mk2 (SR-007 Mk2) and Ω2 Mk1 (SR-007) are perfectly reliable headphones with very little issues if handled carefully.
  23. Ω2 should be a way more reliable headphone than original Ω.
  24. I have it somewhere, it's a very simple DAC. Here some pics:
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