Did you try to tuberoll with your SRM-T1S? I tried nice RCA cleartop tubes and got much better bass with them. I am going to look for some Toshibas to maybe even further improove it.
Correct, the headphone housing spins independently of the pads, so the best positioning can be archived. I listen to my O2 like this:
I assume you guys have similar positioning to get the best seal.
So would you say SR-007 is as reliable as Lambda series if handled properly or does the cable entry presents an issue that will come out with time? My understanding was that SR-007 was a fairly reliable headphone with no known issue like the original Omega, am I not correct in my assumptions?
As far as I know original Omega (Ω) is the one with problems due to issues with fragile drivers. Both Ω2 Mk2 (SR-007 Mk2) and Ω2 Mk1 (SR-007) are perfectly reliable headphones with very little issues if handled carefully.