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Everything posted by faust3d

  1. I am interested in this Buffalo DAC if it holds it's own against your TDA DAC. My TDA DAC has an tube output stage with Tantalum and Riken Ohm resistors, not sure it's the resistors or the tubes but the DAC sounds very smooth. There are pics in my albums on head-case.
  2. TDA sound grainy? I have TDA1541a, TDA1541a S1 and TDA1541 and prefer TDA1541 to all of them. Does Baffalo really sound better than your TDA DAC?
  3. Boredoms - Chocolate Synthesizer (1994)
  4. Paul Giger - Alpstein (1991) Mesmerizing stuff, it gets better after each listen.
  5. Frank Zappa - You Are What You Is (1981)
  6. They have to make them sound better than HD650, no? A lot of people love HD650, so I figure, the reviews from Sennheiser fans will be positive. When someone with O2 and BH gives them a listen and really likes when he heard, I will pay attention.
  7. If the driver tech is not too expensive I bet they will reuse it in a different frame made at another Sennheiser facility in Ireland perhaps.
  8. What did you trade your second K1000 for?? Or did you just sold it and bought drugs??
  9. Very good looking stand. So did they finally buy it?
  10. You should be, boo
  11. There is a lot of competition, even the hi-end AT cans and JVC can be considers as competition. The key here is will these sound like R10, Qualia and K1000 or HD650, K701 and GS1000. If they are indeed ultra hi-end cans and can compete with big guys, they will sell.
  12. Steve Kuhn - The October Suite (1967) Various Artists - Labels - Skin Graft - CAMP SKiN GRAFT(!) (1997) Moonshake - The Sound Your Eyes Can Follow (1994)
  13. 45
  14. I will have to make Omega like sockets for my ESP950 in this case
  15. Here some more. Make this one I wish I could, but I am not even capable of drilling a hole in the wall
  16. I will take the Omega cord I can use on my ESP950
  17. Well you just keep on conversing about the same dark matters all the time, and frankly I think folks are getting tired. You have your opinion, fine, we get it, get over the fact that others disagree.
  18. You might find this link interesting. Happy dreams
  19. ESP950 is very good. I like it as much as my Lambdas and for somethings even better. I like O2 even out of T1S much more than ESP950 I do like my orthos as they are some where in the middle between stats and dynamics. Nice to see more people with ESP950, I think it's the best deal in the hi-end stat market at the moment.
  20. The Soft Machine - Live in Paris (1972) Et Cetera - Et Cetera (1971)
  21. In no way is Jade similar in tonality to K1000, R10, W5000 and SA5000 . It is a bit similar to HE60. I did not hear other headphones on your list but I heard above enough to form an opinion. I also think O2 is very neutral, if a bit warm sounding, and I use T1S amp with them. O2 is also is nothing like HD650 and HD600, tonally or otherwise. Oh and get over it you have old fast ears.
  22. I got my T50 on ebay from seller named audio-topia with 30% LiveCashback. Wualta got his from him as well it's the last version with "good" pads and bass. Faust2D floating in 3D space.
  23. Nice Fauxstex T40 you got there
  24. Yeah, right.....
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