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Everything posted by faust3d

  1. Shhhhhh. Yes it is. But is is only for orthos and expired now anyway.
  2. So I finally found a nice priced, OK condition, local YH-100 that I picked up today. Now I need to find some time to mod them.
  3. Ruins - Burning Stone (1992)
  4. I got one of my CDs new nicely packaged. Still waiting for the other one.
  5. This is even cooler Carfrae
  6. Nice looking amp. I want to see internal pics The tube grads look very handy for people with little kids running around. I would prefer an actual tube cage, but this is still better than naked tubes. As far as removing it I bet the white things on the glass are thumb screws, so it should pop right off.
  7. Well it was once a TOL amp and sold for about the same money as T1 and 717, but that was back in the day. It's actually a very nice amp for any of the Lambdas, and as I said I think it is batter than any of new Stax solid state amps except the big 7XX models.
  8. This is very far from metal. This is noise core / grind core with retarded and extremely stupid song titles and lyrics that are meant to shock. AC is essentially satire and should be looked at as a joke band. I need to give my ears a break now Pascal Comelade - El Primitivismo (1987)
  9. SRM-1 is not that bad with O2, it's not the best amp for it, but if you have a good source with a hot output it will work just fine. You will miss some of the finer details and bass slum that other amps give O2 but I don't mind SRM-1 with O2 at all. I like SRM-1 more than any SRM-3XX amps I heard.
  10. Really? I find bands like Cannibal Corpse, and other death metal and grind core bands funny Black Metal is even more hilarious, but mostly boring to listen to.
  11. Can you believe I actually have this CD? AC is the best band EVAAAR! This is also not bad Sore Throat - Disgrace to the Corpse of Sid
  12. Samuel Delany is one strange dude. I read a few books by him and the worlds he creates are usually so strange yet so realistic and believable. I especily like his older books, like The Einstein Intersection. Good stuff.
  13. Anal Cunt - Everyone Should Be Killed (1994)
  14. Gila - Gila (1971) This one back in print on Second Battle with mini poster. Good stuff.
  15. Nine Days Wonder - Nine Days Wonder (1971)
  16. Great guide. Why didn't you cover the entire back and sides of the cups?
  17. Peter Hammill - Skin (1986) I compared my original US LP and original UK CD they sound almost the same. I might actually like CD better, but I guess it's because my CD setup is better than my TT setup
  18. [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/artist/peter_brotzmann]Peter Br
  19. Inga Rumpf - [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/release/album/inga_rumpf/second_hand_madchen/]Second-Hand-M
  20. Gino Soccio - S Beat (1980) - Vinyl Silly but fun disco stuff. Got this one with a big batch of other LPs for $10.
  21. Spooky Tooth - Spooky Two (1969)
  22. I have new Lambda Pro pads on my pair, I also have SR-404 pads and kinda feel stupid ripping off perfectly good Lambda Pro pads to replace them with SR-404. Will they sound better with SR-404 pads? Somehow I doubt that.
  23. LNS are perfect, they don't need no stinking life
  24. I wanna try this paper thing PM coming.
  25. Hans Reichel - The Death of the Rare Bird Ymir / Bonobo Beach (1993) Experimental custom made free-jazz guitars, good stuff but hard to listen to at work
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