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Everything posted by faust3d

  1. The color of the frame is different on LNS so the driver is technically the same but materials could be different, no? Except for the color LNS has the same cable as original Omega? Or is it different in other ways?
  2. But LNS have a different driver with different diaphragm and I think they are as smooth as Stax phones in Lambda frame go. Is cable on LNS the same as on original Omega?
  3. I remember certain someone sometime ago promised to scan a lot of Stax brochures. Oh well, I am going to use this one to add to the "knowledge base" in the time being
  4. Do you think he should put in on his ESP950 first and than use a needle?
  5. Etron Fou Leloublan - [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/release/album/etron_fou_leloublan/les_poumons_gonfles_f1/]Les poumons gonfl
  6. Iconoclast - Blood Is Red (1995)
  7. Symbyosis - On the Wings of Phoenix (2005)
  8. and damped them with rice paper?
  9. Hans Reichel - Coco Bolo Nights (1989)
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. I really like how they look, because as all real man I like black
  12. Maybe they just glued them properly in place
  13. Happy birthday Dr. Gilmore!
  14. Electric Light Orchestra - No Answer (1972)
  15. Triumvirat - Spartacus (1975)
  16. Trio Trabant a Roma - State of Volgograd (1994)
  17. The Muffins - Manna/Mirage (1978)
  18. Caravan - Caravan & The New Symphonia (1974)
  19. Very nice Mr Duggeh Makes me want to do something similar to my YHD-2 Alas I have no woodworking skilz, not soldering skilz and to think of it no hand eye coordination skilz. But if I did I would make something just like that...beautiful and I bet it sounds very good as well.
  20. Bondage Fruit - II (1996)
  21. Plastic People of the Universe - Egon Bondy's Happy Hearts Club Banned (1978)
  22. I had one on loan for a long time. I also had one that I bought for someone else and modded. Never had one of my own until now. It's in good condition except earpads and screens, both are dirty and worn but still have a bit of life. I can wash the screens and might make custom lather pads in the future after I mode them. I also like stock YH-1 just fine, but my modded one is much better. If only they did not become so inefficient after damping.
  23. I like YH-100 with basic FV mod, so you will not see a lot of advantageous moding from me. Hell I even like it stock, don't tell anyone.
  24. Take a look at Wikiphonia forum I have some interesting info there for you.
  25. I added stats to the new one May be I find something interesting.
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