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High Rollers
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Everything posted by faust3d

  1. Wolfgang Muthspiel - The Promise (1990)
  2. Nice cover Lately Zorn's stuff is not very exciting IMHO. I think he is releasing too much stuff and non of it is as good as his 90's output. But maybe it's just me getting tired of stuff like this. Let me put this one on:
  3. New, good? I never heard of this one.
  4. Stormy Six - Macchina Maccheronica (1980) Arguably their best album.
  5. Can vinyl Sen pads fit these frames? Something like HD500 pad.
  6. Area - Crac! (1974)
  7. Can I use these pics on wikiphonia?
  8. Sergey Kuryokhin - Детский альбом (1996)
  9. Странные Игры (Strange Games) - Смотри в Оба
  10. Looks delicious.
  11. Dagmar Krause - Supply and Demand (1986)
  12. Well I like normal bias Sigma better than K1K But that's just me I guess. K1K to me sound like very good mini-monitors, not bad, but not full size
  13. Sergius Golowin - Lord Krishna von Goloka (1973)
  14. Embryo - Opal (1970)
  15. Sergey Kuryokhin - The Ways of Freedom (1981)
  16. Эдуард Артемьев - Warmth of Earth (1985)
  17. Area - Caution Radiation Area (1974)
  18. I wish I could listen to you KGSS DX I never heard one.
  19. Kraan - Kraan Live (1975)
  20. just finished: Gavin Bryars - Vita Nova (1994) now: Hawkwind - Quark Strangeness and Charm (1977)
  21. He he. It's a difficult listen. At first it takes guts not to turn this off, but once you get used to it, it is beautiful Similar to this:
  22. Patrick Gauthier - [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/release/album/patrick_gauthier/bebe_godzilla/]B
  23. Embryo - Surfin' (1975)
  24. Trilok Gurtu is awesome especially the early stuff and CMP albums. He also played with Embryo and german drummer Peter Giger on some of his percussion extravaganza albums.
  25. Evan Parker - Monoceros (1978) I kinda like it, but it takes gumption to listen to this album.
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