I have a lot of stuff in digital from and on CDRs, but somehow it does not do it for me.
I am one of those fetishists that need to hold a complete physical object in the hands with art, liner notes and all other junk that comes with it. It better be in good condition as well, if it's not it bugs me. Many CDs and LPs for me have a much deeper meaning, I ofter remember when I got them, why and what was happening in my life at that time. Listening to music for me is an experience, I let my equipment warm up, I kick back I take an LP/CD I put them on and I listen to the entire thing. I don't read, talk or do anything else when I listen seriously.
I do listen on the go or on PC or when cooking or talking to friends, but mostly to different music that does not require much attention.
I think my attitude dates back to growing up in USSR where getting new music on original LP or R2R was a BIG deal. You cherished it and it was your prized possession. So digital revolution or not I don't see getting rid of packing away my physical media.