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High Rollers
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Everything posted by faust3d

  1. Roll-off in Sigmas is funny in a way that it is, for me at least, sounds very natural and speaker like. Overall presentation remind me of very HQ planar ribbon system. Awesome headphones that sound very lifelike and big.
  2. Eberhard Weber - Orchestra
  3. Nurse With Wound - A Sucked Orange (1989) [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Experimental/]
  4. Don't know. I am looking for an answer but I am yet to find it.
  5. Ruins - Symphonica
  6. faust3d

    Audeze LCD-2

    Great review. I have to ask you this tough, how do this fair with very fast and aggressive music? For me ortho headphone were primarily rock, metal and hard-core phones. I really like my stats and AMT for all and any kind of music with one exception, I was using YH-100 and my other ortho phones for very fast, loud, aggressive and complex music with a lot of stuff going, they would not get confused and had a kick to them that even the best stat did not deliver. P.S. Can I copy your review to Wikiphonia?
  7. I used to love Lala when it was just a CD trading site. They were great and also had a good CD store that had very competitive prices. When they moved to this music web-based listen nonsense I stopped using them. I guess I am just old-school.
  8. Electric Light Orchestra - Time (1981) [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Pop%2fRock/]
  9. The Lothars - Meet the Lothars Ah, theremin extravaganza.
  10. How does that change the sound?
  11. I don't see any problems. I think it's just the way you access it.
  12. I love my Sigmas, they are my favorite stat phones after O2, closely followed by LNS. Soundstage is superb. Here is even more info.
  13. faust3d

    slow forum

    B&O U70 were made by MB Quart
  14. Eloy - Floating (1974) [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Space+Rock/]
  15. Prog is not cool? I think all of that singer songwriter wining is not cool. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3051[/ATTACH]
  16. Erik Satie - [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/release/album/erik_satie/pieces_pour_piano__yuji_takahashi_/]Pi
  17. Iggy Pop - New Values (1979) [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/New+Wave/]
  18. Captain Beefheart - Safe as Milk (1967) [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Psychedelic+Rock/]
  19. Sotos - Platypus (2002)
  20. Kraftwerk - Autobahn (1974)
  21. John Lurie National Orchestra - Men With Sticks (1993)
  22. Hawkwind - Sonic Attack (1981)
  23. Yeah, it grows on you Try this album if you like Island. By the way my CD has a bonus track, very interesting long composition not on the original LP.
  24. Bought a few cheap Vinyls, a bit scratchy and dusty but play fine and all are original first issues is seems. Matching Mole - Matching Mole's Little Red Record (1972) Matching Mole - Matching Mole (1972) Gong - Expresso II (1978) Caravan - Back to Front (1982) Ralph Towner - Blue Sun (1983) Art Lande - Desert Marauders (1977)
  25. Island - Pictures (1977) Very dark Swiss progressive band with strange instrumentation: percussion, drums, gongs, keyboards, pedal-bass, saxophones, flute, clarinet, and Peter Hammill like vocal delivery.
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