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Everything posted by faust3d

  1. I do have some Shostakovitch (Haitink) stuff as well as some other good classical recording with wide dynamic range, but for some reason old Flim & the BB's albums just explode on my system while classical recordings do not in the same way. Maybe it has to do with intentional soft to loud tricks these guys were playing in the studio testings new DDD recoding techniques. Some ECM classical recordings also have these crazy dynamic shifts.
  2. What aspects do you find to be better?
  3. How do you like it? I found this one weaker than his other albums. I even liked Soaring Through a Dream better
  4. I have been listening to some Flim & the BB's albums lately, not my usual preferred type of music, but I did enjoy it a lot. Music is very nice and production is very 80's, but recording quality itself was so fricking cool. Dynamic range on my original CD from the 80's is very impressive, it can go from very soft to explosive in a split second and shows what a good setup can do. I have a few other CDs like that, like some Russian choir recording, but not a lot. Any suggestion for good music with wild very dynamic recording? Binaural and extremely dynamic would be even better
  5. I think he likes JBL speakers.
  6. Sergey Kuryokhin - Два капитана - 2 (Dva kapitana - 2 - Two Captains - 2) [ost] (1991) Excellent Russian progressive/ avant rock soundtrack.[url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Progressive+Rock/]
  7. I want as well but can't build anything to save my life
  8. Original O is still the headphone that I want, I would even go for the one with SR-007 drivers. Did you sell the one you had?
  9. Got good price on that Trends UD-10.1. I will report back when I play a bit with it
  10. I like DNA 1 Deluxe just a bit more, but yes it is a killer amp. I have had my DNA-1 for a few years now and it sound great with right speaks. DNA-2 is a monster, but IMHO is not as fluid and musical as DNA-1/0.5, something is lost when you have that much transistors and power I guess.
  11. faust3d

    Audeze LCD-2

    Are you reading that Rudolph's Pediatric book just a precaution your amp is not not that "kid friendly":D
  12. faust3d

    Audeze LCD-2

    Grindcore my friend grindcore.
  13. faust3d

    Audeze LCD-2

    Well yeah I did. The matter of the fact is that I really don't need any more headphones, I have problems sorting out through what I sill need to sell. Maybe when I sold all the stuff and I can buy it, if I have any money left and it's still in production Sound like it is really good, and that is why it's tempting.
  14. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3131[/ATTACH] KULT - Tata Kazika
  15. Eberhard Weber - Orchestra You can't got wrong with Weber anything he does is just amazingly cool. [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Experimental/]
  16. ZGA - The End of an Epoch (1992) Robert Wyatt - Shleep (1997) Nurse With Wound - A Sucked Orange (1989) Listened to some of my new purchases. I buy music lately at a faster rate than I listen to it, very sad development. I need to catch up with listening
  17. Trends UD-10.1 looks good to me. I will try that Agon listing. Thanks for good advice.
  18. faust3d

    Audeze LCD-2

    Stop it! Thats what I love about orthos, their ability to rock out. Ok I need to go listen to my speakers, feel that punch in the chest to get rid of these thoughts of doping 1K on these.
  19. Trends does look nice, any issues with Windows 7?
  20. I looked up M2Tech Hiface and don't like the construction, seems to put a lot of stress on the USB port, box with cables attached looks like a better choice for me since I have very limited space on my rack.
  21. A lot of cool little devices out there, thanks for your suggestions guys. Now I need to figure out what I like Just got Primare CDP so computer as source is next on the list of system expansion to dos.
  22. Looks like a nice way to hooked it up. Is it well made, looks a bit cheap and plasticy. I figure for $80 it's basic and will do the job just fine, but want to see if there are any potential issues. My DAC has optical and SPDIF so I can have my CDP on SPDIF and use optical for this guy.
  23. I have been playing with idea of hooking up my netbook to my main system to play some FLAC files and WAV CD Rips that I got floating around. Most of them are HQ LP and CD rips of stuff that I can't find in any other format and that are rare as hens teeth. Burning them to CD is a nuance and I want to just play them using Foobar2000 feeding my DAC or just straight into a preamp. Not sure which way to go or what device to use. Do any of you use something like this? Have any suggestions?
  24. faust3d

    Audeze LCD-2

    In the ortho thread a couple of folks would fantasize about ultimate orthodynamic headphones. Some creative folks piad attention to their fantasy and this is the result. I guess this is how dreams come true.
  25. Jack Bruce - Things We Like
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