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High Rollers
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Everything posted by faust3d

  1. The guy in the middle is John Lord if that helps
  2. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3235[/ATTACH] If you guessed Deep Purple, you must know who these guys are
  3. These guy are actually are a two-man band from NYC: Silver Apples.
  4. Nope. More guesses?
  5. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3234[/ATTACH] Do you know who these fine folks are?
  6. That was way to easy I guess
  7. Anyone wants to play a game? Post a picture of a band or even just one performer and everyone can guess who the hell it is. If no one knows original poster should post the answer. Once identity is revealed post next new pic. I will start this off with an easy one. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3233[/ATTACH]
  8. Nobody heard about these things?
  9. faust3d

    Audeze LCD-2

    When it comes to bass impact I prefer orthodynamic headphones, O2 and other stats are nice, but my YH-100 has tactile yet detailed feel no other phones have. My 5 cents.
  10. faust3d

    Audeze LCD-2

    It measures/tests really well. Nice.
  11. Immolation I remember listening to Here in After in the late 90's My Rotel integrated amp and big Yamaha speakers were perfect or this kind of music. N.P. АВИА - Жизнь и Творчество Композитора Зудова
  12. faust3d

    Audeze LCD-2

    If we can use them for Wikiphonia it would be great! Here is the link if you don't know what this Wikiphonia is all about. I can help post the graphs if you are interested and/or anyone is free to join and add info to the wiki themselves. Full credit is given to all the pictures/info if we know the source.
  13. Does anyone here know anything about these speakers. Enclosure design looks very interesting on paper, but I was curious if someone heard these. They only have two models it seems.
  14. At least my bank is being good about it so far and acting very fast, reissuing new card, refunding the money etc.
  15. UFO - Phenomenon / Force It (1994) Great UFO twofer from BGO Records.
  16. Spend 2 hours on the phone yesterday and few hours today straightening out 6 unauthorized withdrawals in UK, from my checking account. Some scambag stole my card info and pin number apparently in one of the "fake" ATM machines. Whet kills me it that I am very careful with this kinds of stuff and use only bank ATMs. Next week is going to suck for me when it comes to getting cash...
  17. I like both stats and orthos. Somehow new ortho headphones are scary to me, as I am used thinking about orthodynamics as bang for the buck headphones. Like finding YH-100 for $50 and modding it to sound better than my DT880 and on par with my SR-Lambda was very cool, spending $1000 on LCD-2 and getting $1000 worth of headphones does not see so cool I am trying to get used to the idea that I might buy one in the future, but it's hard. Yeah I am a Jewish cheapskate, here I said it, I love a good deal
  18. Nekropolis - Cultes des Ghoules (1985) Flowed by this Carcass - Necroticism - Descanting the Insalubrious (1991) [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/label/earache_records/]
  19. German acid folk with songs about the dead and vampires. Very somber at times, folky, rustic and strange, good late night listen for me.
  20. Roy Wood's Wizzo Band - Super Active Wizzo (1977) [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Jazz%2dRock/]
  21. faust3d

    Canjam 2010.

    Really? I feel for ya. Now where do I get bigger graphs and shit!
  22. faust3d

    Canjam 2010.

    It's small, I can't see anything.....
  23. faust3d

    Canjam 2010.

  24. Le Lann "Top" - Le Lann "Top" (2007) Eric Le Lann And Jannick Top nice jazz with some odd zeuhl touches.
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