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High Rollers
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Everything posted by faust3d

  1. Since no one knows. This is the original Nina Hagen Band.
  2. You can even see him here recoding in his GS1000, and he said he uses it to check for pops an clicks, what lies. Looks under videos. .AMERICAN NUDE
  3. No guesses?
  4. Took you that long? Doh.
  5. Deep Purple - Perfect Strangers (1984) [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Hard+Rock/]
  6. Shhh, it was but it will our secret, OK?
  7. Another B&W pic: [ATTACH=CONFIG]3253[/ATTACH]
  8. I say go with Odyssey Stratos plus. It's very similar to one of Symphonic Line amps and sounds very good. Symphonic Line uses different parts but the same schematic and sells that amp for 3K euros, arguably Stratos might even do somethings better as it has a huge power-supply.
  9. I realized it was not Savatage after I posted it, it's Crimson Glory, right?
  10. Crimson Glory
  11. Yep on Kraftwerk, Florian's forehead was a give a way. Curly guys remind me a bit of Saga, but I not sure at all as masks do not help
  12. Ruins - Hyderomastgroningem (1995) [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Zeuhl/]
  13. They started as krautrock but became gods of another kind
  14. Nope. Look carefully at the second guy from the right. The look of this band and membership changed drastically few years after this picture was taken.
  15. I will be in eastern Europe the first two weeks of September
  16. Yeah we should But who can guess Black Metal bands, they all look a like in corps paint
  17. Karl Berger - No Man Is An Island (1996) [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Avant%2dGarde+Jazz/]
  18. The Black Dog - Temple of Transparent Balls (1993) [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Electronic/]
  19. I like how the amps look, and I like the name. If they sound good I might get the SS one for the office
  20. Don't know who the black metal dudes are. Care to guess who these guys are? [ATTACH=CONFIG]3248[/ATTACH]
  21. The Residents - Fingerprince (1977) [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Experimental+Rock/]
  22. Emperor?
  23. Marillion?
  24. First few albums are good rock n' roll!
  25. NorthCountry Audio has them on sale as well. If I am ever around I might stop by, but without a car it's a bit difficult
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