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Everything posted by faust3d

  1. Cabasse are very good, at lest their larger speakers are. I really liked Kara, but it's way out of my price range and I rarely see them used.
  2. [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/artist/irene_schweizer_trio]Ir
  3. Doesn't Raidho use all made in house drivers? Did you buy a woofer/mid from them as well?
  4. Mid-size model looks good sporting ribbon tweeter, I got to check them out. I remember listening to a larger Ushers model and not liking it, but that was a long time ago. What models did you like?
  5. I wanted to correct that adulation remark but edit option was all gone Magnepans are not going to work for me, I listened to 1.7 few weeks ago and as main speakers it's not something that I would get.
  6. Yeah, it's crazy rare, one of the rarest Vertigo LPs.
  7. I don't think there is a general "I just heard these cool/sucky speakers" thread so I figure I can start one. I was thinking about consolidating and maybe getting my system down to two pairs: a nearfield monitors for late night listening and full range speaks for all out assault. So that is why I have being annoying a lot of hi-end sales people nowdays Yesterday I went to a few shops in NYC to listen to some stuff. First was a system with Devore Gibbons 9 with Shindo and Lab47 gear behind them. I did not like what I heard unfortunately. Dry and grainy, with shallow bass and strange coloration. I listened for an hour with a lot of different music. Listened to Leben and Primaluna amps with different Rega, Spendor and Dynaudio monitors as well, not bad but SAPs with my gear are somehow much more "real" sounding. Next were Adam Compact Mk3 with Musical Fidelity gear, much better fuller sound, still something was off, but I think it was Musical Fidelity stuff adding it's color. HF were very very nice, open detailed and extended. I think SAPs will stay for near filed, but search for good full range continues. I plan to adulation a lot of stuff to get an idea what to look for so I hope to post more impressions latter. Post your impressions if you auditioned speakers, it's always great to read various opinions of gear
  8. Why me? They are a bit silly, in a way that Jacula is silly, a bit over the top and musically just ok. With all that said it's a fun album to listen to occasionally, that's why I got the mp3, do you like Jacula's "Tardo Pede in Magiam Versus"? It has a similar theatrical scary vibe n.p. Edu Lobo - Sergio Mendes Presents Lobo (1970)
  9. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3353[/ATTACH] PainKiller - Execution Ground (1994)
  10. Yes I am, I am into orthodynamic headphones.
  11. Do any of them have orthodynamic headphones on?
  12. U.K. - Danger Money
  13. Amon Duul or Amon Duul II? n.p. Центр - Центромания. Стадия первая (1997)
  14. Happy Birthday!
  15. Stomu Yamashta's Go - Go ... Live From Paris
  16. Stomu Yamashta's Go
  17. Thirsty Moon - Thirsty Moon (1972)
  18. I wanted to buy Monitor M, they can even deliver them, but I can't fit them in with all these speakers around my apartment. I guess I need to sell something and get them, but stuff like this takes time.
  19. These are old and are a classic British speaker. TDL made very good stuff.
  20. What I like about 40.1 that while being a bit dark it's still very detailed and open sounding. Please update use as these break in and you find perfect position form them. Usually takes me a few weeks to get speakers placed so that soundstage is zeroed in. On the other note, does anyone here know of modern alternative to TDL/IMF type speakers? I remember listening to them some time ago and really liking that accurate sound with deep punchy bass. Stuff like Wilson and Karma that cost many time more sounds inferior to my ears. I was thinking about picking up original TDL Monitor M, but replacement drivers are very hard to find, so that's stopping me now, that and their huge size
  21. Roy Wood's Wizzo Band - Super Active Wizzo (1977)
  22. Three Blind Mice label has really nice recording on it and sound quality is always very good, I bet it sounded amazing on Tom's system. I always found Harbeth's a bit dark and soft on top for my taste do 40.1 sound a dark in your setup?
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