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Everything posted by faust3d

  1. Now I need to go get his second album (LUCKY LEIF AND THE LONGSHIPS) and put that on, great stuff.
  2. Just stumbled on this thread, I should be getting 25/25, but in reality I got:
  3. Had another "audition day" today. Listened to Devore Silver-backs with ASR Audio - Emitter I amp, very nice combo and not harsh at all unlike the Devore/Shindo system I listened to before. I really like how ASR integrated sounds, but I think it's a bit overpriced, oh well. Next were VTL ST-85 amps and Rogue MOON 350P pre with Vandersteen 2Ce Anevesary speakers. Very nice combo for less money, but something was off, as soon as we switched the pre to VL it sounded much better, reminded me again why I don't like Sim stuff, very colored to my ears. Vandersteen 2Ce with VTL had excellent imaging and overall great sound with some detail a bit smoothed over. ARS with Silver-backs were good across the board but lacked a bit of that oooomph (that I like sometimes) and warmth , I guess it's how Devore speakers sound. ASR amp is something I don't mind getting over to my home for further investigation, good stuff. Still I am surprised how nice my "budget" system sounds in comparison, the search goes on...
  4. Robert Calvert - Captain Lockheed and the Starfighters (1974)
  5. Anima - [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/release/album/anima/sturmischer_himmel/]St
  6. faust3d


  7. John Zorn - Locus Solus (1983)
  8. This might explain why I like Stax amps, as I always tend to like single ended SS amps and they sound better to me (more coherent and sweet) than big powerful amps even when bass and dynamics suffer. Yet single ended tube triode amps I find too sweet, go figure Another case of different perception of things.
  9. Got it. Thanks for clarification. I like SRM-1Mk2 a lot and had it now for few years, for my listening levels, not very loud, it performs very well even with O2 Mk1. To my ears T1S/T1W/T1 sound a bit better (warmer, more coherent and nuanced) with Lambda headphones especially LNS, but not with O2. I tried DIY KGSS and BH sometime ago with O2 and some Lambdas, under meet conditions, and they sounded a bit too cold in comparison, I guess that's the sound signature.
  10. According to Stax SRM-1Mk2 is 370V (1KHz) with TDH 0.05% (100V 1KHz).
  11. This did not give me any comparison info, caps in my SRM-1Mk2 are fresh, last owner had Stax replace them What I want to know how an amp like this would compare to Exstata, from specs, design point of view. The way I look at this after looking at design and specs, and correct me if I am wrong, amps like SRM-1Mk2 or T1 for that matter is in no way inferior to Exstata,.
  12. How does something like SRM-1Pro or SRM-T1s mesure compared to Exstata?
  13. Ah cool! Knitting Factory in the early 90's for me was all about Zorn and experimental jazz, as well as Noise/No Wave bands. By the way the downtown location closed and relocated to Brooklyn, now it mostly sucks.
  14. "Knitting Factory in the early 90's" - what do you mean by this?
  15. I sold my Normal Bias Lambda, since I much preferred LNS to it. I would never buy that poor butchered Lambda
  16. Wizzard - Wizzard Brew (1973) [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Glam+Rock/]
  17. New sale from them. This time LPs.
  18. Found another CD in my collection that is just off the hook when it comes to dynamic pyrotechnics: Victory of the Better Man - L'utopiste, great album, musically, as well.
  19. Poor Tuli, still he lived to be 86 after jumping from that bridge. The Fugs were assume by the way, hilarious band.
  20. Iron Maiden & Dream Theater yesterday, totally out of the blue because one of my friends could not make it. Not bad, but I hate MSG every concert there has this boomy sound with annoying muddy reverberations. Overall it was nice Iron Maiden played mostly new songs and Dream Theater were in good shape, but I know why I stopped going to large concerts. Sound SQ is not good, stage is far and the vibe is way to commercial for me. Still got an overpriced T-shirt, just for the heck of it.
  21. Les Claypool - Of Whales and Woe
  22. I loved the first one, "Birth to the Earth" and "Hope You Die" rocked.
  23. faust3d

    slow forum

    I doubt that this is a copy. I am sure the guy just has no idea what these are, or was it a joke?
  24. faust3d

    slow forum

    Did not know where to post this: Black and White Speakers Might be a good deal for someone, but this ad is hilarious.
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