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High Rollers
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Everything posted by faust3d

  1. Fine be like that. N.P.: Cannonball Adderley with Milt Jackson - Things Are Getting Better (1959) [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Jazz/]
  2. Elk's Garden - "The future is a hovering ship, anchored in the antiquity" here you go without the umlauts.
  3. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3497[/ATTACH] [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/artist/algarnas_tradgard]
  4. Peter Tod Lewis - Signs & Circuits, Manestar, Gestes, Bricolage, ...of bells ...and time (1992)
  5. The Kinks - Arthur (Or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire) (1969) [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Rock/]
  6. Mark Nauseef - Wun - Wun (1984)
  7. Iron Maiden - The Final Frontier Got it from a Maiden fan at work, boring for the most part. Starblind is a good song and The Alchemist is nice older style Maiden song, but overall it's a poor attempt to record a progressive metal album.
  8. BAT VK-75se is great amp, I heard it on a few occasions and this amps sounds awesome with right speakers.
  9. Akiko Yano - Love Life (1991)
  10. I like the look of black Lambdas so what's ugly to one man, lol.
  11. Got a free Emkog Label sampler CD, listening to Deluge Grander and Birds and Buildings stuff of it, nice retro-prog with a lot of influences yet it's own voice. I might pick up this album latter as I like all the songs from it: [ATTACH=CONFIG]3456[/ATTACH]
  12. He he. No and No. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3440[/ATTACH] Renaldo & The Loaf = Brian Poole (Renaldo) and Dave Janssen (Ted the Loaf), they were on Ralph records and good friends of Residents. Residents = The Cryptic Corporation that is Kennedy, Clem, Fox and Flynn. It's a well know secret.
  13. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3439[/ATTACH] Renaldo & The Loaf: Songs for Swinging Larvae
  14. Interzone - Interzone (1981) [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Deutschrock/]
  15. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3433[/ATTACH] [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/artist/archaia]Archa
  16. Really?? There is a NW\NDW band named like this? LOL
  17. Arktis - Arktis (1974) [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Psychedelic+Rock/]
  18. Deep Purple - Perfect Strangers (1984)
  19. This can be arranged.
  20. Unknown Deutschland - The Krautrock Archive Volume 1 (1996) I only found one of them so far, need to get my hands on the other two
  21. Never had an issue removing forks from LNS or SR-303...
  22. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3407[/ATTACH] Akiko Yano - Tokimeki
  23. FIOS 25/25, I have a triple play package: TV/Phone/Internet for $100 a month.
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