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High Rollers
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Everything posted by faust3d

  1. This is an awesome album.
  2. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3789[/ATTACH] Virgil Fox - Encores
  3. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3782[/ATTACH] Gillan - Future Shock
  4. 3 Mustaphas 3 - Heart of Uncle (1989)[url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Klezmer/]
  5. Nice. They had very good early IDM techno stuff.
  6. Cool, do you have this on the original CD?
  7. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3774[/ATTACH] Ian Gillan Band - Clear Air Turbulence
  8. faust3d

    Pioneer DSS-9

    They are dwarfed by the obelisks.
  9. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3769[/ATTACH] Offering - Offering (2003) All three studio Offering albums plus 30 minute bonus track. Should keep me busy my entire work day.
  10. Lyle Mays - Lyle Mays (1986)[url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Jazz/]
  11. Golem - Orion Awakes (1973) [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Progressive+Rock/]
  12. Social Interiors - Traces of Mercury (1997) [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Experimental/]
  13. Slapp Happy - Sort of (1972) [url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Pop%2fRock/]
  14. Et Cetera - Knirsch (1972)[url=http://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Progressive+Rock/]
  15. faust3d

    Pioneer DSS-9

    Drivers look to be in good condition, I am sure you will be able to bring them back to live soon.
  16. Not bad sounding, very accurate and analytical, but they sound too cold for my taste. I much prefer Lambda and Sigma. The deal is nice if both headphones and amp are in good condition.
  17. faust3d

    Pioneer DSS-9

    If the deal is good, do it
  18. Ruins - Symphonica (1998)
  19. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3746[/ATTACH] Облачный Край - Стремя и люди (1985) Translation: Cloud Region - Stirrup and people. Russian hard rocking space excursions with fucked up lyrics. YouTube - Oblachny Kray - "Nasha Obshchaya Legavaya" YouTube - Oblachny Kray - "Mezhgalakticheskiy Konglomerat"
  20. Not sure about your dynamics comment, since when I heard Stax last time dynamics were very good at mid volume. Did you own them for a long time? What amp did you use with them? I guess it depends on the amp and placement as does the bass response . Bass yeah, it's on par with small monitors, this kinda plays well with my intended use for them, late night near-filed listening to mostly mellow acoustic staff.
  21. I never really actively looked for F81, but just stumbled upon them few years back. The are in good condition and sound very nice, one of the transformers was replaced but all of this is reflected in the price. Now the guy was ready to sell since he closed the entire store down. Lets just say that I got them for the same price I paid for some of my mid-fi headphones I am beginging to think all this talk of headphones providing good value for the money is BS. If you have room to keep big audio in there are much better deal to be had in speaker land. So I at the moment have four pairs of big ass speakers, just not all at my place.. for now...
  22. That review is just an interesting tidbit to illustrate how I found out about ESL-F81. The thing is I heard Stax, however only briefly and not in my system. I liked them a lot, but would not be able to live with them as my only speakers, that is why I am still keeping my other stuff. My friend now has them in his system and the deal is basically done; the price was right and I figure I will not find another pair for sale any time soon. He is will keep them for me until he can drive them up from New Bedford Now I only have to decide if I am selling the Apogees. Stax competes with them on most levels and I had them for such long time I might as well move on as sad as it might be. I might pull off the trick of stashing them behind next to the wall, but what is the point of having four speakers if two of them have a similar type of presentation and use?
  23. As a background on why I am so interested in Stax, I always wanted to get ESL-F81 after reading this comparison:
  24. Yeah, I never thought I would sell them, I had them for about 11 years now. They sell now for a wide range of prices and are a great bargain since you get a truly hi-end monitor for the money. I wish I had once. Living in Brooklyn with wife and a kid kinda limits the storage and living space. I actually would seriously consider giving them to someone to use, as long as I can be sure that I will get them back in the same condition or the person will buy them from me at some point in the future.
  25. Andy Sheppard - Nocturnal Tourist (2001) Andy plays around with modern production, sampling and electronics. Sounds interesting, and even "fresh", to me still it's a big departure from something like "Introductions in the Dark". His sax firmly takes the central stage, but background arrangements are similar to some of the acid-jazz ninja tune stuff from the late 90's, not a bad thing at all.
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