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  1. so where does the emitter q23/24 go to instead?
  2. is this supposed to be an open login? I try and go there and it wants me to login, to what. ??
  3. that is Kerry's mini PSU board that contains all GRHV & GRLV supplies, so that is a one chassis Carbon.
  4. you might look at Souriau Quik lock connectors (SMS series) for HV application, haave used them in equipment for 40 years, great stuff. Not all the same configurations as Molex. 5.08 pitch and excellent pins. Performance characteristics Operating temperature: -55°C to +125°C Insulation resistance: 5000 MΩmin. Test potential: 2000 VAC Current rating: 5 AMP Durability: 500 matings and unmatings. Cheers Alan
  5. looking for set of Kerry's psu boards that use the GR78/79 and HV boards. Bare boards are fine with me. TIA cheers Alan
  6. interested in getting a set of the Kerry psu and modules. either preassembled or bare board would be fine. 2X GRHV 1XGR78xx 1XGR79xx Cheers and TIA Alan
  7. Huzzah to all that helped return the site to happiness!! and it went down on my birthday, how unfair! Cheers Alan
  8. hex inverter multiplier https://www.schematicsforfree.com/archive/file/Power Electronics/Power Supplies & Regulators/High Voltage 200V+/Voltage Multipliers.pdf (5) 4049 ICs, quiesent draw something like 250uA plus actual circuit draw. 555 V cheers Alan
  9. its entirely possible that one channel had more leeway before breaking than the other. Hence one still working. The hum probably came from a combo of the failure (whatever it is) in the L channel from the unregulated (broken) -400 supply. I would get the LV 15V supplies working next after you get -400V regulation back. I have no idea which transistor maybe bad, but most likely one is. Once you get the supplies working correctly you should measure the voltages on both channels, that may point to the problem. The observation that it passes audio while turning on or off leads me to think that is happening when it passes thru working bias points. And stabilizes with everything biased off. Check your board well for missed solder joints, cold solder or arcs. As an aside, you can use almost any correct type of FET to trouble shoot. The 170 is for low noise and distortion, others will work just fine.. do you have a scope?
  10. the two things I would change are the input from single ended to balanced. simple mod, discussed elsewhere on head case, google is your friend. and add the constant current loads to the circuit. You can find this in Audio Express July, and I forget what year. there are also some grounding changes I would (did) make to get rid of some internal ground loops, yes it's our friends at Stax, they get the hard stuff right and the simple stuff wrong. Also mwl168's advice is well stated Cheers Alan
  11. What's the status of your relay stepped attenuator?




  12. Is there a current source of earspeaker jax? I am aware of the Ampenol (WDI) parts, but are there any of the custom teflon ones available anywhere? I couldn't find them. cheapest source in US https://vacuumtubesinc.com/index.php/sockets-adapters-and-parts/5-and-6-pin-tube-sockets/a5-5285.html as a side note, contacted Richard Summer, he is moving his shop and won't be available for a (unspecified) period of time.
  13. Thanks One of my concerns was deciding the voltage rating of the input caps, safety vs physical size. I'm used to having the SRM1 MK2 on my workstation and want to fit the new amp in as well as I can. Cheers and thanks for the info. It is indeed what I was looking for.
  14. Greetings In the process of gathering parts and am down to psu and transformer choices. Blueman2, have you gotten your transformers or are they just ordered. I was wondering what the actual performance is (voltage with and without load) TIA Alan
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