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Everything posted by Abbadon

  1. thanks. not to sound like a complete noob, but what exactly goes where and how would I obtain a replacement cap?
  2. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/37/b22l.png/
  3. Hey everyone, To make a long story short, some damage occurred to a b22 that I sold internationally during shipping. I know absolutely nothing about fixing it up, but from the pics he sent me I'm guessing it should be a relatively easy fix. Is there anyone with experience with b22s(it's a 2channel board) in the area of quincy MA (or anyone in general) who would be able to help him fix it (either in person or by talking him through it?). I would be grateful for the help, as the situation is starting to turn sour. Thanks for reading.
  4. Abbadon


    I saw one go on ebay a couple months for 1000, wood box and all.
  5. Googled my way over here during the outage
  6. I know I should be thankful (and spend the money on music), but somehome I feel oddly empty inside. Like my headphone journey has come to an end for the next several years (until I can afford 'stats). That is, unless the 840c is a significant upgrade.
  7. y? ps. balanced ground is awesome. keep teh opera.
  8. I've been bitten by the upgrade bug, and once I liberate some gear, I'll have about 1k to spend on a new source to replace my mf a3.24. Two questions: Firstly, will 1k be enough to purchase a source that is several steps ahead of the MF dac, and, if so, then what would you recommend?
  9. This reminds me of notpr0n. I'm on level 5 (? The source is key.
  10. Abbadon


    i scanned ign...really psyched about ffxiii. other then that..there's a new addon for the wiimote that supposedly makes it more accurate
  11. HD650's Hd580'S RS-1's K701s Portapros
  12. for the record, i upgraded to a 2 channel b22 (fierce freak). it got rattled up a bit by customs...but now that it's working...wow. The opera really leaves something to be desired.
  13. Heh..actually, it's abbadon from the wh40k game, not dota, as everyone seems to think. anyway, nenso, what's your bnet name?
  14. I'm up for a game on east sometime too. my username is "l3e4st", lowercase L infront of the 3.
  15. sexy stuff.
  16. Has anyone heard the HBD? A one box solution would suit me well, and it's within my price range. If I got it, it'd probably be with the home dac and w/o the attenuator (unless it makes a big difference)
  17. chocolate skittles. OMFG. There's even brownie and s'mores flavours.
  18. has he heard back from monster yet?
  19. Artist: Cream Album: Disraeli Gears Song: Tales of Brave Ulysses Lyrics: And you see a girl's brown body dancing through the turquoise, And her footprints make you follow where the sky loves the sea. And when your fingers find her, she drowns you in her body, Carving deep blue ripples in the tissues of your mind.
  20. Abbadon

    Staying awake

    I went for a f ull 48 hours on my last day of the first semester of uni. Stayed awake the whole night w/ friends, almost got hit by a car crossing the road next day.
  21. Okay, so if I wanted to DIY an amp, would the CK2III/M3 be doable for someone with no prior soldering experience? Also, how does the CK2III perform with grados? I've read about its synergy with senns, but there isn't much about grados.....
  22. Herb and Garlic steaks from M&M meatshops. They made me sign up for a membership to get the sale price. Never had M&M stuff, or frozen steak before.
  23. Wow. Didn't expect so many responses in such a short time. I guess everyone's hard at work... I'm using Blue Jeans RCAs/coax (not sure which model). I have a DIY balanced cardas cable w/se adapter that came with my 650's, but don't try to tempt me into balanced, I'm far too poor. Is there anyone who has heard the opera and could compare it to a b22, balanced or otherwise?
  24. Long time lurker, first time poster... I've managed to assemble the following rig, however, since I haven't been able to attend any meets, my purchases have been based solely on other's opinions. My current setup is MF a3.24 -> Opera analog -> RS-1s/HD650s What would be the most cost effective way to upgrade? I'm happy with my current cans, so an amp upgrade is probably in order. Would a se b22 be a significant step up?
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