Good feed back thank you! An yea I've got a nice CCS Modded SRM007tA that should be liberation enough
Imo 007 when I've heard it had been very "thick" real mid focused presentation and not quite energetic enough up top for my tastes, 95X is imo slightly thick, relative to an HD 800, and not quite energetic enough up top at all times
Still to be frank the idea is to get a hold of 009 and work my way thru reviewing literally everything else I can get, so I can have my own opinion of them all. But I've heard 009 dozens of time and it's always been MORE than energetic to my ears and never came off as quite like 95X does and 007 when I've heard it in the past
Now let me ask this, how do you guys who own them presently feel 007 MK 2.9 differs from 95X and 009?