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Everything posted by bdinnev

  1. Hi All, I am looking at building a dynalo SMT/SMD system, balanced in / balanced out. I have been through this thread back to front as well as the staxmafia thread etc. I think I have got the most recent gerber files (dynalobal17) as well as the schematic (kgdynalobalssproduction.PDF) and I have started building a BOM but have stumbled on a few things that I was hoping some may be able to assist with? Looking at a few comments, all resistors are 0805 size but I am not really sure of current size etc (have shot for 200mw .1% 25ppm at the moment). The schematic does not line up with the pcb with regards to the caps - the schematics only shows 3 (from memory) whereas the pcb shows as many as 12 documented with values - is there an updated schematic? Or am I using an outdated gerber? There appear to be a couple of caps on the PCB that have no values - any hints? (see attached pics) Or are these for something else? Is there a bom available anywhere? I see reference to a xls in a few placed but cannot find the file - am scratching my head on what caps, trim pots, part size for SMD transistors etc Is this project no longer active / am I barking up the wrong tree? It looks like a great project, but maybe there is a newer project I should be looking at? Cheers, Ben
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