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About Covered_Ears

  • Birthday 11/25/1997

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    SR-007 Mk 1
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  1. What was your drawdown? If you're using the CAFEC light roast filter plus a V60 and have a "normal" drawdown time (~3:00-4:30) it very well may be too coarsely ground; I've had drawdowns of, like, 7-9 minutes when grinding appropriately fine with those.
  2. The Hario V60 is definitely a mainstay; if you go to basically any 3rd wave coffee bar. chances are their pour-overs are with that. Here are the brewers I own: V60: it has a good chance of being fairly close to what the roaster would serve in one of their cafes. Said to bring out acidity and sweetness, but the V60 is so widespread that I consider it the "default" for comparison Tornado: more consistent. A bit less pointed of a profile than the V60 CAFEC Deep: emphasizes brightness without acidity, but can make things a bit more bitter if you're not careful. In general, I think if you already have a Chemex, the V60 seems different enough to give a try. Also, it's not at all a challenge to alter the taste slightly by changing filter papers, technique, etc.
  3. https://www.nestle.com/brands/coffee/blue-bottle-coffee If anyone here is interested in stopping their patronage of Nestle (see the comments in the WW3 thread), this is important info -- Blue Bottle was acquired by Nestle a few years ago and is still owned by them.
  4. ^^^ this as well. This family of shots can reduce bitterness; I'd say the Slayer recipe tends to require finer grinds but definitely decide on the recipe before dialing in the grind setting: Blooming espresso: preinfuse to 4 bars then stop; wait for 30 seconds; slowly ramp up to brewing pressure of 7-9 bars Slayer machine-type preinfusion: 15s of 2.5-4 bar, then ramp up to brewing pressure Londinium: fast preinfusion (I'd imagine you'd be pushing notably faster in this case on the Flair 58) to 3 bars, hold at 3 for 10s, then ramp up to brewing pressure (in this case, 8 bars); allow the brewing pressure to fall at about 1 bar/10s. Not sure how feasible this is on a springless manual.
  5. I've definitely heard from people who know more about espresso than me not to worry about the spent puck. It does however seem like you're going too fine -- I forget whether the Flair 58 has a bottomless portafilter stock but even if it comes with a spout, you can still tell that there's major channeling if the flow stops and starts. Ultimately when there's channeling it manifests as bitterness in the finished shot. Assuming good distribution, most of the time your espresso tastes too bitter, it's due to grinding too finely. Now, it sounds like the grind is too fine regardless of distribution but I would recommend looking into that a bit. A common "go-to" response would be WDT (Weiss Distribution Technique) plus an appropriately sized funnel -- I have the Levercraft WDT tool and that works like a charm. I do think that if you can get a Weber Blind Shaker (works with the 58mm baskets), that will be quicker than a WDT, which can be a bit inconvenient for morning espresso. I'm sure Jacob has some insights regarding the particulars of a Niche -> Flair 58 setup. Good luck!
  6. That looks great. Which beans did you use if I may ask?
  7. Mini-review of Colombia Decaf Rainbow by Metric Coffee. On the bag they put notes of apple cider, caramel, and citrus. At first blush it seems like "just another Colombian EA decaf" but I think it's in the leading 30% or so. As a pour-over you can expect a fairly interesting decaf, with all of those aforementioned flavors. It's not particularly complex but is a very approachable coffee, great for sipping. As an espresso, the most accurate form of apple cider I can think of is those Martinelli's apple ciders -- very apple juice-like, with some spices but definitely mostly the former. If you want shots redolent of apple juice and don't want extra caffeine, this coffee is hard to beat.
  8. It'll be what the 009S was to the 009, but with a bigger price differential! What a steal 🤣
  9. Ahhh, yeah, that makes sense -- Dragonfly's sales do seem like a marketing tactic to me. As for Hatch, I'll have to try them out. Thanks for the recommendation.
  10. Many thanks for the review! I learned I'm hardly in a minority of people waiting for this. And I definitely hear you about how you characterize buying STAX; to me it seems like neutrality isn't a priority for them, which is a bummer for me as it is for me.
  11. Aura, I've heard of Hatch and tried Dragonfly. Would you rec Hatch in general? I know a lot of people tend to find Dragonfly overpriced (I never drank their Gesha, but I did try their Yemeni one time).
  12. Yeah, that's part of how I see it. Also, they're pretty separated and I try to rinse my palate, so usually I don't know if there'd be much of a perception boost there.
  13. Thanks for the reassurance HS. I'll try to keep any comments about tea contextualized by coffee. I think pu'er (or other aged teas perhaps) if that's what they were drinking, is the closest thing in tea to coffee. One challenge I experience is going from an espresso in the morning to a high-end green tea in the afternoon. The latter is admittedly something I'm not acclimated to, as I drink espresso or pour-over daily while I drink tea quasi-daily. Interesting story about my percussion mentor and his former mailman. My mentor loves coffee and definitely has the palate for it, as he collects and ages some rather fine wines. His mailman at the time loved high end green teas, purportedly dropping hundreds on a purchase of longjing (tl. Dragonwell) one year. My mentor then went, "I wonder how it tastes?" The mailman said "I don't know if you could appreciate it-- you are a coffee drinker after all!" As much as I'm sure the mailman was poking fun at my mentor, there is some merit there. A good espresso is not sharp, but nonetheless strong. A high-end green tea in comparison is always weaker than a well-pulled espresso; even the unusually strong (by green tea standards) "Hunan Gold" I have is no exception. This changes for oolong tea and red tea (black tea in the Anglosphere) which have the necessary strength to be less of a drastic change from espresso; white tea may be somewhere in between. Anyway, anyone who wishes can message me or reply here for tea recommendations. Though, I haven't ventured much outside the incredible teas of Red Blossom and Song (both in San Francisco), and they are completely willing to recommend things too. I guess I have used proxy services to acquire certain teas from China's Zhang Yi Yuan though.
  14. Yeah, I'd say that's pretty accurate! The Vario+ and Vario W+ (and the Forte AP) are supposed to be all-rounders, but the Encore/Virtuoso/Forte BG/Sette 270 are all what I'd consider specialists (with all but the final one being best for manual brewing). Incidentally, when I got my Sette 270 it had a shim installed to make all the settings correspond to finer grinds, and the coarsest setting would be still a bit too fine for my average pour-over, I think. And yeah, the main thing holding me back from the P110 is its price. Even if I had the funding for it to not be a silly purchase, I'd still need to really think twice about buying it. Tight tolerances in the machining sounds good though.
  15. I'm actually curious whether there would be any interest in a separate tea thread, since there's a significant overlap between discerning coffee drinkers and discerning tea drinkers (just look at all the renowned roaster-cafes serving Song Tea, which in Sey Coffee's words is "just as intentionally sourced as our coffees are"). Anyone have thoughts on this? I think another consideration would be that some people drink tea exclusively due to its milder effects. Yeah, I'm always curious about how the grind fineness' sweet spot changes with blooming espresso. I used to pull Slayer shots on my Nomad, which would be 2.5-4 bars for 15 seconds before actually brewing without a gap (unlike the blooming espresso); this almost always necessitated a finer grind. I'm inferring that a finer grind is also necessary for the blooming espresso, though maybe not as much of a difference -- blooming by definition releases some CO2 and that'd likely reduce the resistance it causes. Not that I want to try dialing in something without the blooming recipe, as it's something of a correction for my setup not being top-notch.
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