Oh no, just picked up this thread and looks like I’m arriving late to the party. If anybody has a mini T2 board set they don’t need or if there is a spare set of boards available I’ll be happy to take them off your hands and cover the costs.
1x mini T2 (pair)
1x PSU Main board
2x GRHVxxx (partial build preferred, bare is ok though)
1x GRLV79xx
1x GRLV78xx
I‘m impressed by all of you taking on this project and what the potential might be to improve off the shelf amplification. After many years I’ve finally invested in a decent headphone system that just landed this week – SR-009 & SRM-007tii, I’m listening to Qobuz streaming at high resolution and the combination sounds pretty sweet to my ears. Even red book CD sounds awesome.
But, I’m intrigued by the possibilities of what a high quality DIY build could do for the SR-009, perhaps open the surrounding air, extend the bass, keep the voicing and amazing mid-range and manage those highs without losing any sparkle.
With some experience of amplifier builds from bare boards upwards, time on my hands and the necessary tools the mini T2 looks like a fantastic project. My only hesitation is working with such HV and some limited time soldering SMDs. I’m sure HV calls for an abundance of caution with these builds.
I’ve read through the threads on the KGSSHV Carbon, BHSE, T2 and KGST. I’m also tempted by the SS Carbon build but my preference is towards the T2. Perhaps a separate PS build has the potential to drive any of these down the road, definitely want that to be safe though and not compromise on performance.
I’ll stop there and finish with thanks to Michael for making this GB possible. Wish I had found you all earlier. Good luck with the builds.