Hi Timb5881,
I find that these headphones care more about your source material than they do the genre at hand. Meaning, I've heard many genres through these venerable masters, and all they do is reveal. Bad recording/source file/master etc, bad performance. But great mixes/masters are amazing reproduced on my SR-Sigma's. I can't speak for the others on this forum, as some have modded to the 404 drivers and have even better sound (which I can't even fathom right now because I love these already as is).
Revealing as they are, I tend to use these only on masters I know are great and my own timeline edits (These are great editing headphones, earspeakers for purists, as they give me all the detail in the world to work with) so I can reveal any flaws in the mix. While technology has come a long way since, in some ways it hasn't.
Think of the Sigma's as a large format camera. A 1950's 4X5 camera (Linhof Technica or equivalent) shooting a 50iso negative is going to demolish any digital camera in detail and texture and image quality, under $15,000-20,000. Only the latest megapixel beasts from Phase One, or Leica's S series will beat it or come close. Empyrean, Abyss, LCD4z's etc might have a slight edge, but you also have to pay the price tag. But arguments can be made for both camps. I reckon that the detail about the unique position of the drivers has a lot to say about the magic of the SR-Sigma's.
So yes, short answer, it all sounds great. But then, I am listening from the angle of wanting to hear it all, flaws as well as the moments of genius.