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  1. The reception of Paltauf and myself here in this forum is not of the kind, thats brings you in the mood to share anything. Why feeding so called experts and their half funny followers? The atmosphere here is rather aggressiv, narrowminded and arrogant. If you are really interested in information, I can only give you this link in German: https://musicalhead.de/2021/03/02/test-paltauf-khv-esd/ Sorry my technical knowledge and my English is not good enough to spend more energy to you. Keeper enjoying the devices you are used to and have fun with the bad jokes !
  2. If you would get a little bit closer to the Paltauf, you maybe would recognize that a second tube would not help to balance the amp. Why? Because he doesn't use tubes as phase splitter. If you are interested how this circuit works, you better have a closer look or ask Paltauf personally. I think there was enough fake spreaded from people who have never been close to what they are writting about.
  3. Right now there are 4 KGSHV on the second hand market, if you look at hifishark. Bought my 2 KGSSHV second hand. So BS is, what you are writting. BS is to compare prices of privat builders with prices of an official company.
  4. That's the answer from Paltauf to Spritzers Nd Gillmore critics: This is for readers interested in a little broader view: -3db at 5Hz and -1,5db at 100KHz, 0,04%thd at 100Vrms are the datas of our KHV-ES, without negative feedback! The KHV-ESD has about 8db feedback and the technical datas are even more impressive! A tube amplifier that is constructed propperly does not need any feedback to work with very low distortion, wide bandwith and low noise - in contrast to amps with semiconductors. They depend on a very high amount of negative feedback with all the problems that come with it. Nelson Pass has written some very interesting articles about it. Transformers or anode chokes do not ask what they are made for, speakers or headphones! We choose the parts that meet our requirements or have them modified to make them fit into our amps. In our first hv amplifiers we used CCS (cascoded mosfet -tube) in the output stage but we could not see any advantage over a very high quality anode choke, on the contrary, we lost the k2 cancellation of the pp triode class a output stage with a transformer. Our amplifiers have an output voltage of a little more than 1000Vpp (up to 1100Vpp, with the 7189 tubes) so our transformer based amp will not destroys headphones! Step up transformers without amplitude limiting can do that very easily, I did some measurements recently, the voltage swing was a little less than 2,5 KV!! There are many ways to design a good amplifier, some do it with ss, others with tubes, we use the best of the two worlds and go our own way. And what is very important for me after 3 and a half decades in this business: I respect others, see the beauty and the drawbacks of other designs and what I really know is: there is no "best amplifier", it can only be my! favorite amp, nothing else! Readers who are interested in more detailed information can contact us directly, we will be happy to answer your questions! kind regards to all forum members - Wolfgang Paltauf
  5. Sometimes, when I read your comments like this, I ask myself if you trink being frustrated because of just copiing Gillmore plans since 20 years. For your customers I hope your bread is better than your attidude.
  6. @Spritzer: "The Paltauf is a bad joke... I mean look at it:" I might not be the right person to discuss technical details. There are others, who know more - and I don't mean Spritzer only. But what I know is, that I have owned 2 KGSSHV , one from Mjönir and one from Ear In Heaven ( more detailed than the first) and both have been blown away with ease from the Paltauf with ease. And that was the Paltauf in its first version! In the meantime it was upgraded to the 4th version. You might ask, what the difference was? In direct comparison the the KGSSHV sounded liveless and flat. Although it has a rather technical approach, it doesn't give you more punch in bass or more details at the highs. Sound is not involving. There was not on thing or one day I missed it. In the meantime I know 4 people who made the same step from Mjölnir to Paltauf. And don't forget, they enjoy their dynamic headphones from the same amp no matter how difficult they are to drive. ( By the way, I own about 20 Stax, 007, 009, Akg K1000, Abyss... ) The big difference to Spritzer is, that we here in Austria compare highend components with our ears and not by a photo. If Spritzer would have balls , he would send a Carbon ( which is same price) to https://kopfhoererboutique.com/ and leave the judgement to customers, comparing both with the same source. If not, his statment is nothing else than pure ignorance to everthing, which doesn't come from his kitchen. p.S.: I am just a normal HIFI consumer and don't have any financial connections to Paltauf or kopfhörerboutique.
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