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Everything posted by Blaino

  1. G2R1000MT17D GeneSiC Semiconductor | Discrete Semiconductor Products | DigiKey Will this serve as a sub for the C2M1000170D? Looks very similarly rated except for power dissipation of 44W instead of 69W.
  2. Got mine yesterday. Thank you again.
  3. It's the thickness of the board not the thickness of the trace which is 3oz copper. There shouldn't be an issue with handling mechanical stress in this application as the PS board. I am not in the habit of bending my PC boards to see how they flex. It's not an issue as far as I am concern.
  4. Funds sent. Thanks for arranging this GB.
  5. I am committed. Ready when you are.
  6. Can I add four more bare GRHV boards, two more GRLV 78xx, two more GRLV 79xx, and two more main boards? Thank You
  7. I'll take four bare and four partially built please.
  8. Can I be added to the group buy for 8 * GRHVxxx 4 * GRLV78xx 4 * GRLV79xx 4 * main board 2 * Mini T2 board
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