Greetings, how does stax 407 compare to stax 404 LE sound wise
Also is the stax 323s more powerful than 007Tii
Any thoughts bout new stax amp D50 is that good to drive 007mk2, I know its not a carbon, I seek to buy a carbon or a KGST soon, just trying to figure out which to buy, if in the future I will add 009S, but in general how would those 3 amps rank ( 007TII, 323s, D50 )
Any mods for stax 407, like changing pads that improves it sound
I own stax 307 whose headband I destroyed the yokes parts of them, and now, and the pins of the black yokes/forks are stuck inside the earspeakers, I am trying to get them out, so now I am seeking a new headband or yokes or the forks what ever those black things are called that hold the earspeakers to the headband,
Also I own 407, L300LE and stax 007mk2 late 2017
Love them all, but 007 mk2 is my favorite even more so than my Hifiman he1000 SE
As for l300 LE I expected better and more bass I like it though, strangely I find the 407 has more bass than the L300LE
I do not mind looking into buying Hifiman Shari La JR or Me Speakers Voce, still reading more bout them to decide which is more suitable for me