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  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Now that I've googled Doug Sax, I'm afraid his standards are a bit higher than mine. Still unapologetic about liking the Mini-DAC.
  2. It's a very solid album from start to finish. Every song is a gem. It's also the saddest album I know.
  3. Comfy


    Found this thread: http://www.head-case.org/forums/miscellaneous/569-question-should-we-bother-phase.html
  4. Comfy


    How important is the correct polarity? Right now my source has XLR-outs with pin 2 hot, and my amp has XLR-ins with pin 3 hot. So I'm wondering whether I should order a pair of polarity switching XLR interconnects from BJC, or just use the ones I already have as I probably can't hear a difference. My system is used 100% for music listening, no recording purposes. Any expert opinions on the subject?
  5. Finally got my Mini-DAC, which directly replaces my old Lavry DA10. The change was based mostly on a single recommendation by grawk. He didn't adorn his recommendation with audiophile jargon or any other verbal acrobatics for that matter. It was quite blunt, along the lines of "the Lavry sounds like shit, the Mini-DAC sounds good". Somehow that convinced me. And now that I'm here listening to my new setup: Beck - Sea Change to Mini-DAC to SRM-T1S to LNS... I'm really happy that I took grawk's word. The Mini-DAC sounds like the notes have been covered with alternating layers of candy coating and heroin. The soundstage is tighter, more realistic, more intimate. The bass extends much, much lower and has a lot more body to it. The music moves me in much the same way as the first glass of good red wine on an empty stomach, on that third date with your new love in a fancy restaurant. It goes straight to my head and my head loves it. Some will contend that the DA10 is more detailed. Well, I'm hearing detail I hadn't heard before. And the detail I hear makes sense in the musical context too. Perhaps the DA10 is just so boring in its presentation, that even if the detail is present, your brain doesn't really care? All in all, my system is finally where I wanted it to be, and my search for emotion through technology has reached a new high mark.
  6. Mew - No More Stories / Are Told Today / I'm Sorry / They Washed Away / No More Stories / The World Is Grey / I'm Tired / Let's Wash Away
  7. I'd prefer just "headphones" and "FU2".
  8. Agreed.
  9. Sorry mate, I'll send 10USD to Jude for your copyrights.
  10. Yeah... But those are actually alien heads. Now with more sweaty membrane veil.
  11. EDIT: I'm sorry I even tried to come up with something clever as a response. Humbling.
  12. Wrong.
  13. Do you folks have any ideas about what driver is used in the HF-2?
  14. Very good to hear that. I also ordered a pair of flats with them, figuring that once burnt in the bass might tighten up and reduce in quantity, and flats would then provide a little extra oomph in this department.
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