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Everything posted by Mortalcoil

  1. Actually I think hes from that new Goth group " Clearasil for Clarabelle "
  2. I was thinking .... throw some Mongolian Goat leather on the pads, include a case and a Neutrik cable.
  3. A new Ultrasone ?
  4. Hmmm, sounds interestimg. I can honestly say I havent heard of that cable. Have you heard them with this config?
  5. Fitz, granted those sextets rock .... but the 701 ? ,come now..... ;) From a man with a collection of 40 or so AKG wonders I would expect no less
  6. julie ... look no further than the awe inspiring inspirational design of the GS-1000
  7. Well .... so much for the whole love, age of aquarius ,good vibe thing. That idea sure got shot to shit. LOL I am however glad to see a few people appreciate one of the most fantabulous hps of all time. Notice I said "one of " Cheers all.
  8. Lets face it people, not only does Grado rule, but the GS-1000 stomps every other hp out there. :kitty:
  9. LOL thanks.
  10. Impossible .... everyone likes Grado.
  11. PFK, You really should have spent more time with those GSks. They really are the second coming. Pushing my luck here arent I ? LOL
  12. WOW.... lots of love here .... good vibes. Hi everyone !!
  13. Hi PFK, Nothing really special GS1k or RS-2 from RA-1, computer as source mostly. Guess Im one of those guys that beleives in hps first as the most important part of the chain.
  14. Hi everyone, I just came across this sub-culture, dark side of Head-Fi site. Great to be here. Im a firm beleiver in the Godly qualities of the GS1k. However I do feel that the whole Ultrasone thing is just slightly wacked. Flame away
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