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Everything posted by tomislavkufrin

  1. You can always go for Carbon as the reference. It made the difference between 009 and 95x a lot smaller for me. You can use the power supply for Carbon with the GG which has tube output devices(similar to BH), so you can have two amps with different flavors for the total cost of a little bit more than for only Carbon, or only GG. This is what i have done in my system. I have also built SRX which pairs nicely with 009, but Carbon/GG are my favorites.
  2. Yep! Finishing this build made me really happy.
  3. Carbon is getting a sister. Had a few holy crap this is good moments.
  4. revisiting my teenage years. gg is an excellent amp.
  5. possibly to get a group discount on tickets to heaven.
  6. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/44697/ukrainian-tu-141-strizh-missile-like-drone-appears-to-have-crashed-in-croatia?xid=fbshare&fbclid=IwAR3hBI9aVjRTVCFuHBreFsNANSSttDtEcroAhCq75KpFOBT9WcGBwg3aej4 something from the close neighbourhood.
  7. Installed 2sk170/2sj74 instead of THAT340 in my SSDynalo. Did not listen to it for a long time, but initial impression is that HD800s feel less fatiguing. Like it had just enough cups of coffee, not one or two to many.
  8. Anybody tried to make a balanced CFA2 with tube ubal/bal?
  9. DIY a kgsshv carbon and call it a day. Then use eq, or don't use eq.
  10. one of my favorite local bands singing about the nuclear knife.
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. I saw three different gerber files. 1 with trough-hole, 2 with smd components. The one i was looking at was "diffinput6a" - with smd components. I saw your project also, with trough-hole components, so that is also an option.
  13. For a simple balanced volume control, is attenuator + 4 diamond buffers OK, or i misunderstood something? I saw that people were making preamps with input selection and ubal/bal boards, but i suppose if i only need balanced, ubal/bal board is optional?
  14. While i had 727II with SR-009, SS Dynalo with HD800 was getting most of the playing time. After getting the the RME and its parametric EQ, the SR-009 almost got sold as i did not really see the point of owning it. If i did not find the SRX+ and decided to build one for myself, they would probably be gone already. Bought 95x locally and for cheap, decided to use it for backup and testing. HD800 took a step back to the SR-009. After that i got an itch and decided to build the Carbon. Now i generally use the 95x. Carbon removed a good part of that gap and they are a lesser pain in the ass somehow. I think i need the 007s..
  15. I hope that concerts will become a thing again, i would like to see them perform live.
  16. Finished the Carbon. Liking the bass.
  17. snakefinger still remains as one of my favorite musical discoveries.
  18. you can find some more info in this thread: about trafo specs:
  19. something like this?
  20. Question about MATE_N_LOK connectors from the Main PSU board BOM. Pitch = 4.14 mm? This one as a 2 pin example https://www.te.com/usa-en/product-1-770872-0.html
  21. Hm, it looks there was something else also causing the noise issues. Trafo itself was buzzing. I have removed the cover, now there is no noise on the trafo and seems that i cannot hear any noise on the headphones.. I will try again in the morning when there is no noise in the house but i think now it is silent. As i saw some scratch marks on the inside of the cover, it looks like the bolt was touching the cover and possibly making a shorted turn. Or i moved some wires and now it is magically better. Or both.
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