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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Smeggy

  1. Dinny, your phones are on mah heed sounding awesome
  2. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    Is true...
  3. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    Well yeah, never seen one in the flesh yet. I don't think anyone around here has an O2
  4. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    Damnation, listening to Virgil Fox in concert playing Bach organ stuff.... Best....bass.........EVAR!!
  5. Smeggy

    Canjam 2010.

    Awesome pics and gives a very good impression of the meet and all you handsome folk.
  6. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    According to the test sheets, the distortion stays within almost negligable levels at 100db so it should'nt have any trouble deafening us cleanly
  7. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    Heh, wifey was just bitching about the noise I was making Need closed LCD Hehe
  8. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    yes indeedy, I did have to bend out the headband a bit, it was crushing my skull
  9. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    Cheers all. Driving them with the hastily fixed EHHA because I forgot to bring the Stacker home They are seriously nice. A little more subdued in the upper mids/top than the pants and the bass goes just as deep. Very natural sounding which is almost odd. Phones to me generally don't sound natural so it's a bit of a new experience. They did a very good job on them indeed. Tight clamp but not uncomfortable. Once the pads loosen up a bit they'll be really nice to wear all day. Vocals are simply amazing in their presentation... sibilance is totally non-existent. They don't shout, boom, or do anything bad as far as I've been able to tell. They are just there. Quite an achievement.
  10. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    I am happy to report that the LCDs are on my head and blowing my ears off with pure bliss!!
  11. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    finger crossed they're already there
  12. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    just seen the set of graphs posted, the audeze kills all. mine looks distinctly lumpy
  13. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    Woah, that's nice. I'd like to see one for the HE-5 to see if the orthos follow a trend with measurements.
  14. yikes! School? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!11!! the horrors
  15. yeah, it's not like Alaskans are real Americans, more like an odd appendages
  16. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    Yeah, I always try to keep mine in absolute phase. No reason other than being anal and assuming the connectors are that way around for a reason. Dunno If I'd notice absolute phase inversion by itself though.
  17. ^ WIN!!
  18. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    Mine arrive Friday
  19. Oh man... the LCD-2 has shipped! Should be here Friday WOOHOOO!!
  20. Smeggy


    And yet it won 'best of show' for some online rag.
  21. I have no idea why ppl would think there is any conflict outside of a few nutters. I like stats and orthos just fine.
  22. No internal pics.. it's a secret!
  23. hehe, closest I ever got to mobile was with a pager back in the day. It's nice being completely untethered. Neither wifey nor me has ever wanted a cell, so we don't. If I'm out, I like to be free from the temptation of the evil devices. I know way too many people who spend every waking hour attached to the damn things, I like my downtime.
  24. So with all this gibberish going on I need help. Say I want a sexy ipod with mic and cameras etc for bootlegging, upskirting and so forth but the touch is still the same lame thing as the one I already have... will I be able to buy an iphone 4 for the normal (299?) price without a phone contract? I have no need of a phone. Is there some catch I don't know about if I just want to use it as a souped up wi-fi ipod touch? Will everything else work as normal less the phone specific functions? Never had a iphone, or any cell for that matter so I have no idea what the normal is. Yes, I'm still mobile-less
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