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Everything posted by Smeggy

  1. yep, got the dropouts and made sure it was working.. no diff to me. However, my ears aren't tuned to these microscopic differences. My ears are more 'big picture' ears and don't concentrate on many of the little things.
  2. yup, works fine in win 7
  3. for VNC purposes, is wireless N that much better than G speed-wise? All my crap is a few years old and all G standard (no idea what's in the old mac mini) but I would like it as responsive as possible on both touch and ipad.
  4. I tried the mini on trial, didn't hear any difference so either my gear is crap, my ears are crap or they're full of crap... the jury is still out.
  5. Ray has that method patented.
  6. He has an opinion or two...
  7. Thunderpants don't get upset, they just go and eat another Denon.. Mmmmm, tasteh!!
  8. No dissin' the LCD stat boy!
  9. A nice $250 amp is all I'm looking for and expecting. I'm not sure why some are getting so overly 'passionate' over there, it seems many have wild expectations way above it's price band. I just hope it's a good little amp.
  10. yeah, the Original T50/nad etc. all work great but finding new 4" cup headbands is a problem. I want some myself.
  11. Dammit, Kabs. I thought I had put the holes in the cups for you.. I don't know where my brain has been lately. Sorry about that. Not sure how I missed it.
  12. Nice, the bass on the 5 goes pretty deep. It lacks a bit of body to go with it. I'll be interested in a head-to-head with the 5 once they're out and about.
  13. Any of you guys use a newsreader? I bought Panic Unison, and while decent enough it does slow my machine to a crawl when downloading big files. Any recommendations for something a bit less sapping?
  14. At the price of the Asgard, I'm not gonna complain or worry about what's in it. I'm just gonna enjoy it for what it is. You guys aren't n00bs at this so I'm just gonna go with my gut.
  15. yup, same. Modified a couple of keys on the little keyboard so I could assign a delete key.. useful if I want to log on.
  16. I have wifey putting in an order for the Asgard today so the deed is done Very much looking forward to getting it and putting it through it's paces. I'm sure it'll be perfect for my purposes. Welcome to headcase guys and I hope you do well.
  17. looks like judes one arrived and he's started a thread on it Schiit Asgard: Unboxing and First Impressions - Head-Fi.org Community
  18. I know just the pico DAC you're looking for... Wait, do those stupid airport things have USB?
  19. coolies, as for gain, 5x I think they said in the h-f thread. Yep "The gain of Asgard (solid state) is 5, or about 14 dB, and output impedance is about 0.5 ohms. 4. Inverting vs non-inverting: We were being very careful in our wording--single voltage gain stage. There are two current gain stages, one ahead of the voltage gain--I'm sure you can figure out the rest from there. 5. 20V p-p into 32 ohms and 312 mA bias: yep, right on. It's single-ended Class A with a current source bias. "
  20. yeah, the tube amp looks nice but the SS one is more better for all my low imp phoons. So nobody has bad stuffs to say about no feedback, blah, blah.. etc? That's good because I really want a decent small ss home amp that can take a bit of a battering about while I do phone testing and whatnot. Don't want to risk doing all that with my toob amps so I'm currently using the mini3 in the initial phases. This seems like a better option. I also like their bullshit lines better than most. If you're gonna BS people, do it with gusto!
  21. Was meandering over at H-F and noticed another new little amp that grabbed my interest, the Schiit Asgard FET amp. Looks like it might be a fun little amp to play with. I'm contemplating getting it as it's pretty cheap and has a decent amount of power to use as a small SS living room amp. We're still waiting on internal pics but was wondering what the gurus here think of their design philosophy.
  22. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    They do! Wood box, shiny red lining, graph, wood pampering kit.. very sexy
  23. yeah, my 5LE is plastic
  24. Nice Ed, they look quite pretty.
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