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Everything posted by Smeggy

  1. I downloaded the drivers for the trackpad and took ye olde Mac to work to give it a test drive and compare to it's great grandfather. Verdict, I likes it! Good range of movement, nice angle, smooth operation a d ten switches have enough resistance that you don't click the thing accidentally. The customization options are a bit limiting compared to the original finger works which really is a tour de force of customization. Having said that, for it's target market and in how it integrates with the rest of the touchy stuff it works well. I managed to get it set up more or less how I wanted it. Good enough to be worth the cash if you like these types of devices, I do and still have two of the original fingerworks keyboards this technology is based on, so yes I am a fan of touch/gesture pads and this fits well with me. So there ya go.... ORF MY LAAAAAAWNNNN!
  2. Magic trackpad and new apple remote. Now just need a special app so I can control my touchscreen with my trackpad for extra double win!
  3. Picked up the trackpad today and a new remote. Seems pretty nice so far.
  4. I've been using mine for the last eight years or so more or less constantly. it's the only input device attached to one of my work PCs and I love it to bits which is how I know Ill be getting one of the new ones. if you take to them they are really nice, much better to use than the shitty small trackpads on laptops. It's not going to have the sheer level of customization my old touchstream has but then that thing is on steroids and is programmable out the wazoo.
  5. So would fingerworks had apple not bought them for their touch technology. Seems like the NW doesn't have any supplies yet. Gotta wait a few days to get one.
  6. I already have the magic trackpad... it's called the Fingerworks iGesture mini. Except it's also a keyboard.
  7. Nice Wayne, it's now officially known worldwide that you are a nut
  8. about damn time.
  9. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    I wear my inner dork on my sleeve.
  10. last thing for me was an iPad that's my toy budget gone for the next six months
  11. Damn, that is sweet. My amps from the 70s were predominantly Sansui and all were monsterly built and very heavy. Nice to see these old beauties still running. Congrats and enjoy it.
  12. yeah, I can finally put the mini into the home tv rack and put the big-ass monitor away.
  13. good news, I finally found an ipad to buy! It wasn't the exact one I wanted but close enough and it's done. It works great as a vnc terminal Ill have to wait for the camera kit until they're more easily available.
  14. yep, those things do heat up the exhaust pipe quite a bit
  15. well certain peeps here are a separate case and will, of course, get first attention. Never heard the JH but I'm loving the crap out of the LCD-2 and is my new TP target.
  16. well it's not really contradictory, it's the methodology that I need to change. I don't want to be caught in the orders and custom thing. I'll sell off spares as they arrive but I'm getting too many requests for them and that leads to people getting impatient and takes the fun out if I'm under pressure to finish them. I have enough of that at work with our everlasting overtime to meet deadlines. The woodworking is what I do to relax and have fun. The self-supporting thing is simply I sell a set to get another set, some wood and consumables so I can make more. I can't keep sinking endless cash into it as we're up to our ears in bills already, so my fun needs to fund itself to at least some extent. Selling off done sets will help. It's also a way around a ;standard' thunderpant because one thing I like most is experimenting and trying new stuff. I'm a tinkerer which is why no two sets are the same.
  17. fah, it's a pain in the rear. I like making them but trying to make them to order is a nuisance. I'm still gonna keep making them and fiddling to see if I can get them better and just sell them off as I go on fiddling. I just wanted to make my hobby self supporting. Trying to do stuff to order isn't what I want to do and is no fun. I want to do what I want and if I end up with spares I'll flog them off as-is.
  18. Well I'm giving up shortly. It's too much of a hassle.
  19. Congrats Nebbs, nice job on keeping the smoke in!
  20. Well if it does sound different as ppl say, it should definitely measure differently and not cancel. If it does alter the sound I'd be interested where and if not.. well.
  21. it's be interesting to see if the original and amarra output would cancel each other out.
  22. I think you should just concentrate your efforts on who roofied you.
  23. Trees? sorry, all I can see is a lovely forest
  24. so you have a definite preference for those over the LCD? Madness!! I hope to get listen one day, they'd need to be friggin spectabulous to beat the LCD for me. As nice as the tweaked HE5LE is, it's no match for the LCD. Given the huge price difference between the 5 and 6 I'd expect a significant improvement. Especially in the bass and overall balance. I still prefer my TPs to the HE5, and the LCD to the TP unless I can come up with something that takes the Fostex drivers to a new and probably impossible level. Now, if fostex ever gets around to making an oversize driver with a metal frame... I can dream I'd love to get my sticky mitts on a set of LCD drivers to play with.
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