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Everything posted by Smeggy

  1. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    I can't say I've ever found them in the least fatiguing sonically. Smooth as a babys bottom that has been spit shined by a marine drill sergeant. They are a little dark sounding but not in a bad way IMO. I think Larrys ears are broken and need to go to the shop for repair
  2. Woohoo! Yeah!! happy birthday you old bugger
  3. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    coolies shelly, hope they give your ears a nice fondling I've been trying to use the lcd as my tp tuning fork, very nice that they are, so hope it's worth the wait!
  4. I'm liking my pad more and more. Works really nicely as a drawing slate, is a great VNC station and now I have the camera kit, a nice music station and pic downloader. I popped my SD card in it earlier and it sucked all the pics down really quickly. I wish there was a way of using it as a proper external monitor though, that would be awesome for running real progs from the mini without digging out a monitor.
  5. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    FOTM or no, the LCD2 is still my fave open can by a long shot and nothing Ive heard to date comes close.. Closed is another matter for me, but commercially available that I've heard. The shit! I reserve the right to change my mind if I ever get to hear any top stats. Until then, these are the best for me.
  6. I've pondered it myself but the whole low imp cans thing was always a deterrent as mine are fairly consistently in the low range.
  7. Trouble is that everyone likes different stuff and all hear stuff differently so asking to recommend a set of phones is on a par with asking how long is a piece of string. You might get a lot of answers but none of them mean Jack shit with regards to your ears and prefs as we know neither.
  8. Smeggy


    I have drop box too, not gotten around to using it yet though.
  9. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    Yup, don't like it here or how it goes, take a big fuck off pill.
  10. Yay! I has music in my dacsies, is awesomenesses.
  11. Just got an apple battery kit and camera kit.
  12. I would have but there was a heavily armed cop standing next to me on guard. Odd that the fucking apple shop gets it's own pig detail. You could loot the rest of the mall unhindered as long as you don't get an iPod...
  13. Well bugger me, just went to my (not so local) apple store to get an exchange nano and what did I see on the shelf? The naw battery pack charger thingy. Took it to the counter and asked if they knew when there were going to be any camera kits available and while I was asking the guy this, the girl next to him was typing away and next thing you know, another guy came out from the back and handed me a camera kit... It was uncannily coordinated ninja stealth work! Funny thing was, they guy I was asking was saying they were sold out. Good job his partner was dropping eaves or I'd have missed it.
  14. the fact you don't really feel it is why it's perfect. There's a slight frosting to it, subtle but it's there. Not enough to feel rough and not so little it sticks like the smooth glass on the iphone/pad can. Smooth with low finger resistance.
  15. I like the subtle texture on the glass surface, feels perfect.
  16. yeah, already got those installed and they work mostly ok with windows 7, on xp 32 all you can do is move the cursor and left-click the feet buttons. Trouble is, my work machines are both xp so no using it here where it would be most useful for me. I'm sure sooner or later someone will come up with working xp drivers. I hope so anyway
  17. yup, they seem to sell out pretty damn quick. I was lucky to get mine so early... unlike the camera kits which I think are entirely mythical and dont actually exist.
  18. I do wish apple would get over themselves already and just release proper drivers for windows. They do know half the maccies out there also use windows, and not via fucking boot camp. It's not like it's hard to do, they did buy the company and hire the people that invented this shit which also had the fully functional and customizable windows xp drivers that do about 50x more than the trackpad does over 5 years ago! Fucking apple fucktards. I knew there was a reason I stayed away from apple so long, petty minded bitches. Aaaaah, that feels better
  19. 16 for me too plz.
  20. Another bit of good news, apparently the drivers have been hacked to get standard functionality for any PC now and Ive seen a trackpad alpha program out there that allows more customization. Might give them a test drive later.
  21. dang, I still need one. They're impossible to get up in this corner.
  22. 2TB Seagate external drive. Pair of carbide cutters and a Festool shopvac thingy.
  23. Yeah, it is cool. I know some people have been questioning it's purpose and whether it's a viable mouse alternative but like I say, ive been using these devices for many years and I'm completely used to them just as I am with meeses. I'd still like to see some kludge worked out for iPad use when I'm doing vnc stuff as it's a quicker way of manipulating a vnc than the touchscreen on the iPad.
  24. Happy birthday Todd! Many more to go.
  25. WDTV live plus for more content streaming stuffs. Almost bought a PS3 and almost bought an Apogee one... Must not splurge. Damn all these temptations
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