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Everything posted by Smeggy

  1. usually the port is behind the wire. Wires at teh front, ports at teh backs
  2. they also take ugly to whole new level! I think they looked at the price, the market and determined how many they could realistically sell and called that the limited edition number for sale. Real limited edition would be more like 50 to 500. I doubt they could sell much more than 2,000 anyway.
  3. it was pretty cool at the seattle meet last saturday, I took four sets, one I did with black leather cups made as an experiment and gave them as a door/raffle prize and Alex of Audeze wanted to borrow a set, he has my testers now so I came home two sets lighter it was fun meet and good to get back into it and meet old and new buds between all the other shit I have to do. All in all a good day.
  4. heh, I posted rough plans and how-to's over there so people could make their own if they wanted.
  5. I used to love me some pork chops and kraut back in Der farterland. Strange to think I lived there off and on for about 12 years, it seems so long ago.
  6. I imagine these would cut out whenever my microwave is on, it manages to kill my wifi in the same room.
  7. Will send payment Friday afternoon when funds are in the bank.
  8. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    I wish they would get a move on with them ribbon phones, the proto has been there for a good while now, time for a kick in the pants.
  9. That's just plain evil. A similar thing happened to a friend of my wife years ago in San Francisco. The woman was a hairdresser and the estranged husband (ex con loser) hired a hit man who went into her shop in broad daylight and shot her in the face, killing her outright. Luckily the pair weren't exactly smart and were rounded up very quickly. Wifey was shook up for a good while after that. You just don't expect your friends to be executed out of the blue.
  10. vlc works pretty nicely. I installed it a wee while ago.
  11. glad it resettled, Ken. That kind of thing is no fun at all.
  12. yup, same.
  13. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    I can only compare them to what I've heard and what I like in general and the LCD is by far the best of the commercial phone I've heard. Having said that, I still end up wearing my TPs far more than any of them. Not to say mine are better or anything, just that I've spent enough time getting them right for me. Everyone has their personal prefs in sound and like Steve, to me the LCD beats the 800 for sound sig. I also feel the HE-5 is nowhere near the LCD in any department except air. Not heard the HE-6 or O2. In the end it comes down to what we like listening to and as we all know, no one phone will suit all people. I do think the fanboys, as usual, are going way overboard. I still look in on the thread at h-f but rarely post.
  14. My mail proggy does the same thing, gets to about 68 messages of a couple of hundred and hangs there not doing anything. In exasperation I got another mail program. Between that and my iTunes troubles I'm thinking of formatting and doing a full reinstall because this crap is annoying.. Especially as my wanky PCs buzz along for years without this type of shit happening. Maybe I can cure the problem with a 27" iMac. If only I had a spare 1700 sat in my pocket.. *sigh* :/
  15. I'll try another account later to see if it helps... Then it's hammer time.
  16. Technoviking approves and has hammer ready.
  17. nothing to do with libraries or accounts, the moment the pod/pads etc. are plugged in it sends up the message, you click it and the pod/pad icon vanishes from itunes. It's as if the program is incompatible with the devices. You literally can't do anything.
  18. thanks for the help Larry, sadly it didnt do dick and its still hosed. Now I need to find a way to get the old itunes back on here.
  19. for the first time I attached my ipod to itunes 10 today and its telling me 'this copy of itunes does not support ipod, iphone or ipad syncing'. I tried my ipad, sure enough, it shows up as a device and tells me the same thing. I delete and reinstall another copy... same shit. WTF!!!?!?!?!?!?!?! im starting to think apple is hiring monkeys from the local zoo to program their shit. Anyone have any idea what the fuck is going on?
  20. Yah, I was thinking of upgrading my pod until I saw the shitty camera res. I would love an iPhone 4 without the phone, 700 for a tricked out iPod is a bit much though.
  21. Quick update, the clear ispot thingy works a treat. Ran the thing all last night at home and all day at work. Decent signal at home, good signal at work, enough to run my vnc in fact. A little slow compared to cable but very usable all the same. For $100 and $25 a month for Unlimited 4g I can't complain. Very easy to setup and run and nicely portable
  22. yep, I have iteleport, logmein, realvnc, teamviewer, remotepc, desktop connect, RDM+ and pocket office pro amongst others. The Wyse has a unique pointer which is very accurate but also has simultaneous finger pointing, screen sliding and direct window/scroll bar dragging all at once. It's pretty damn spiffy once you get the hang of how they do things. A lot will depend on how you like to work though. Rather than the two finger scrolling and inertial mouse slinging, it has a scroller in the mouse thingy as well as a seperate right click and keyboard button all in the same expandable pointer. Iteleport might be faster for generall whizzing around, but if you need precision and versatility (which I do) the Wyse is a better option. A good $14 worth for me. using on both mac and pc
  23. due to the lack of wi-fi in our group office, I went and ordered a Clear iSpot 4G>wi-fi converter. little box, runs on batteries or plugged in and unlimited bandwidth for $25/Mo. If it gives me anything in the way of a signal and modest wifi speed I'll be happy. Arriving tomorrow. I'll let you know how it does shortly.
  24. ok, now that I've bought just about every ipad vnc thingy known to man and beast, I have to proclaim Wyse Pocketcloud the winner for me. It has by far the best navigation system of them all and is also nicely snappy. To me, this is how a ipad vnc should work. it has a very comprehensive navigation system that turned out to be even moreso than I expected and navigation is the most important aspect as far as usability is concerned. it is mobile specific so it lacks the 'anywhere, anytime, anything' flexibility of logmein ignition which only needs a browser to connect. For speed, connection reliability and interface... pocketcloud is great. I also just bought plex for me mobiles, so we'll see how that goes later.
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