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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Smeggy

  1. All the constant beyer slagging puts a huge smile on my face, not because I disagree but because I think beyer actually put out one of the best phones ever with the ET1000. It's prolly still the best stat I've heard to date and beats nearly everything else out there for me. They got it so right with the ET and so wrong with most since then. Not heard the tesla range yet though.
  2. well I don't have the souped up transfos in my srd 7 mk2 but I've always been partial to the transfo boxes. They do things my ears like, whether it's getting the flavor of my amps or a good dose of distortion. Whatever it is, I seem to like the way they sound. Gives the sataxes some well needed bite.
  3. I'll wait for the white, iMarshall version.
  4. the 40 I tried for thunderpanting was the current model T40RP. The drivers in them look the same except the plastic frame is white instead of black. They have a lower power rating but no clue what else is different.
  5. They're similar but not the same. I tried the 40 and 20 before and neither are as good as the 50 and I'd hate to drop the quality. Anyhow, it looks like I may have secured six sets in total through scavenging and hopefully, three from Canada which cost twice as much. Oh well, I'll take them where I can get them. I may have another go at the 40s to see if they can be made good. As for the LCD-1, I've never seen one in the flesh and have no idea what the driver size is or how it fits. I don't even have any Grados now so again, no clue what size they'd need to be. Hopefully Fostex will get their shit together and restock everyone soon. With my luck they're prolly discontinued
  6. A little, yes. Not as much as the Grados though. I can play the Stax quite loud without wincing.
  7. Man, I am so bummed. Everywhere is sold out of the Fostex T50. I spent half the morning phoning all over the country to see if anywhere had them in. I found one set which I hope I get, and one second hand set. Looks like that's it until sometime in December. These were my financial lifeline and now it's gone. Shit, I'm doomed! If any of you come across any in your travels, lemme know.
  8. Sorry to spoil all the fun but... I finally got to hear the HF2 tonight, and while it's better than most other Grados I've heard it still has that shouty quality I dislike about most Grados. Any attempt at raising the volume made me wince a little. I'm definitely not a Grado guy. Nice to actually give them a whirl though. My fave is still the HF2.
  9. I went to download itunes 10.1 and somehow ended up with a 570meg download! No idea what, apart from itunes, was in there but that's a pretty hefty chunk of bytes.
  10. thanks he can't close his right eye due to nerve damage caused by the growth and he's a bit lop sided in the ear flaps but is now eating and drinking and doing what he always did best, sleeping.
  11. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3913[/ATTACH] in recovery mode ignore stupid pic below, I can't edit it out for some reason
  12. and Tonys new set [ATTACH=CONFIG]3910[/ATTACH]
  13. Huge thanks for the kindness and generosity of all the wonderful peeps in here! Moggy has had the surgery and is now back at home less one earhole and a big floppy head protector so he can't scratch out the stitches. I'll post a pic of the raggy-ass thing tomorrow. He looks absolutely wretched and is very unhappy with the whole situation but wifey was overjoyed to get him back home and thanks you all very much. It helped a *lot*
  14. Have an awesome BD my man
  15. who knew India and China had so many cool snowboarding dudes in their factories!
  16. the citrix app looks really cool, sadly no citrix server here.
  17. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    Congrajimutations on the new toy! They are pretty golly-gosh darned nice all right.
  18. if they start to come loose, bit of blu-tac will keep them going for another few years.
  19. Wow, thank you all so much. I'm feeling very humble right now. Wifey sends her heartfelt thanks. She'd be devastated if we lose him.
  20. thanks guys Silvio is wifey, she had her name changed based on characters from Shakespeare because she hated Judy.
  21. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    Kunal is having a set of pants made so he joined here to continue to communicate after getting canned from head-fi for whatever reason. Anyway, no, the LCD doesn't need gobs of power to sound really nice. I've been very pleasantly surprised how well they go from very modest gear. I certainly wouldn't class them as a difficult to drive phone or even hard to get to sing. They are simply exceptional in my view and I'd be wearing them a whole lot more if not for the sound leakage. I have to share the room with the TV so keeping that out and keeping my tunes in requires closed phones for the most part. Nick, were you at the Seattle meet?
  22. I don't really want to do this, but wifey asked if I could post the link to a plea page she has up for our stupid cat. We found out he has a growth in his ear that's probably a tumor of some sort and the vet wants between $3800 and $4500 to fix it. So on top of losing my job we now have this.. so anyway, don't feel in the least bit obliged or anything, I'm posting because she asked me to. My cat Mister Darcy's surgery. by Gray Malkin - GoFundMe [ATTACH=CONFIG]3838[/ATTACH] << stupid cat.
  23. taking out the circuit board = moar extreme tweaking!!!!!
  24. yah, it certainly has a case of the uglies in my view as well as being way beyond any price aspirations i may have. I bet it sounds absolute killer. this will add to the ever growing list of omegas I'll probably never hear... like all the others
  25. seriously, if your pal isn't looking to upgrade then best to just leave him to have fun with what he likes. We're not into evangelizing or adopting the missionary line of trying to convert anyone because, frankly, we don't give a flying fuck. Also, no. Cheap doesn't always mean crap, sometimes it means less good but not necessarily bad.
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