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Everything posted by Smeggy

  1. Cheers Dusty
  2. Toob n00b alert!! Is it detrimental in any significant way to run heaters at 12 and 6V instead of 12.6 and 6.3V? I'm running a 12V 3.75A regulated supply from an old monitor and it works and sounds fine but wanted to know if there was anything I need to be aware of doing this.
  3. 6h30 tube for mah CTH khozmo 100k stereo stepper not for the CTH Skil combo belt/disk sander another pico DAC
  4. nope, I'll be getting a set, NoNoNoNoNoNo has another set of drivers coming so no need to worry, we just needed to do some switching and swapping to make certain things happen. Purely a case of ill-timing
  5. A thing of industrial beauty, congrats Todd.
  6. After this I'm going to be shunting the mini pot on the CTH, that should give a vast improvement. I may go dual pot on the EHHA as some of my phones have balance issues so that should help.
  7. Ah, I see. Sorry, wasn't paying attention In that case I'm all over it as I'll be balancing my EHHA soon.
  8. on my se version the two grounds got to the two board ground connectors like they would if wired normally. A balanced pot though, dunno but I would have thought the wiring would have been the same doubled up but I've never looked at the connectors of one. I just assumed it would be the same as se with two sets of connector tags.
  9. Damn, another pair of pants to go to the laundry.. Very nice Birgir, If it only sounds half as sweet as it looks it'll still be awesome!
  10. Ideally 47k is supposed to be best, I didn't have that so mine are 51k, 33k will probably reduce you available volume a bit but should work fine from what I've read.
  11. I wait with breath bated. I'll be interested in your take though I imagine a cheap pot will give the more profound effect. What pot are you trying it on?
  12. Nice , glad to see I'm not totally deranged for listening to Ari Very good improvement overall and prolly the cheapest awesome upgrade ever.
  13. I've been mildly interested in pot shunting since I first heard about it, not for any reason other that it looked different and interesting. Anyway, I shunted my EHHAs RK27 earlier and call me nuts, but it sounds a shitload more detailed and clear to me now than before. I'm hearing all sorts of subtle little things quite clearly than never caught my ear before and I wasn't even trying to listen for it, they just appeared in a way they never had before. Maybe shunting really is that good or maybe my ears are just super sensitive right now, whatever, it seems clarity is greater, detail and spaciousness have improved and soundstage has expanded too with a much more natural sense of space. The amp was pretty incredible already, changing tubes and feedback made a big difference to the bottom end while the origial tubes still had the top end sewn up. After the shunt the tops are now as good/better than the original tubes while retaining that awesome bass power and body. I'd be interested to see what experiences anyone else has had doing this, and if not, a quick bit of rearranging and two resistors are all that's needed to try it. I didn't think a volume control could have this big an impact and I'm assuming the RK27 is pretty decent in it's price range. I'm wondering if this type of difference occurs with those spendy pots out there. I like this a lot
  14. I'll get it to you tonight.
  15. Steve has never been one to complain about a prick in his rump
  16. The ones I kept have more bass fullness and a smoother overall sound. However, they came with no box, ratty made bananas on the ends, no pigtail or docs and the cages are dented so not really suitable as a pristine trade. I imagine the ones you have are more representative of the general K1k sound which is odd as they are both early sets, yours are *really* early. These are the only two sets I've heard so can't fully comment on what 'normal' really is with a K1k. Other people who have heard them say they are the best sounding K1k they've ever heard. I got them for a reasonable price because of their condition. This set is #4267
  17. Yes indeed there are K1ks and K1ks and my set is apparently one of the primo sets around sonically. I still haven't heard an O2 but my particular set of K1ks are pretty extraordinary. Not lacking in bass fullness, just a bit of extension and the mids/highs are smooth and sweet as long as the amp is upto it.
  18. x10 belated, HB!!
  19. Happy Birthday Pete!
  20. yep, CTH is an absolute dream sounding amp. Easy to tune with tubes and as NoNoNoNoNoNo said, the 6CG7 tube turns this into the best sounding amp I've heard to date for my tastes. It's an outstanding little amp.
  21. I get the impression I'd like the 4070 aside from the bass. I'll definitely pick up a set of 950s at some stage too. Stat's I've never heard: 007 4070 sigma 950 Jade HE60 HE90 HE 1.3 Pretty pathetic really for a stat fan
  22. Yes the 800 is a funny wee animal indeed. I don't think it's necessarily a love/hate thing with them, I thought they were ok, better than the vast majority of schlep out there. I didn't find them very interesting sounding, nice but didn't quite tweak my nipples. They do have a shoutyness to them and their bass, while tight and extended, lacked power and effortless smack that I really like. They are comfy, really fit well and look ok, well, ugly still but I could live with it if they sounded more to my tastes. I didn't have an extended listen and I didn't think I needed to. For my ears they weren't doing the things I really like. Thats not to say they're bad, not for me though and they're not planar
  23. Personally, if I were to attempt it I'd go for a loose weave nylon cloth covered foam circum pad with a leather face stitched on. That way you get the feel of leather on your face while keeping the porosity of the foam which should keep the sound reasonably true. That'd be my take anyway.
  24. x2, as anyone who has tried normal pleather pads or done the tape mod can say. The Grado needs that porous foam to sound like they do or they become unbearably bassy and muffled sounding. Grado pads are a difficult proposition unless you're prepared for a lot of prototyping.
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