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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Smeggy

  1. Now officially a company!

  2. Now officially a company!

  3. Thanks Reks, I'll go have a gander.
  4. Do any of you have any recommendations for small business software. I've been looking at Quicken, Quickbooks, Turbotax etc. I've never used any of them and don't know exactly what I need. They need to be reasonably easy to use and learn as ell as not being excessively expensive. Life is a big hectic mess right now and I need something to simplify at least some of it.
  5. As of a couple of weeks ago I'm now officially in business with a license and everything I've been looking into ways of diversifying, and with that in mind I've been delving into other areas and letting a bit of my artistic (autistic?) side out. I bought a nice little engraver to go along with all my Proxxon mini tools. I'm also thinking of getting into knives and such. I don't know if that makes any sense but it's me thinking aloud. I'm not really a knife type but doing wood grips is fun. I don't actually know anyone into knives so I don't know what most look for in one. Any of you guys into knives? If so, what is it you look for. As to the engraving, I've had quite a positive experience with them and lots of people liking them. Any thoughts. I've got to get this business off the ground quickly before I run out of cash and get foreclosed on I'm open to any thoughts and ideas.
  6. gimmethecash: sorry about that, I keep missing/misplacing pm's. Getting senile in my old age In case I can't find what I'm looking for, resend the infos
  7. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    much as I love the K1000 I feel the LCD2 is definitely moar better for me. I just wish I could get more head time with them. Same problem as the k1000... too much leakage though not nearly as bad.
  8. Sure looks like a sexy beast, and I'm also hoping for more to read here.
  9. Nice going my man
  10. head the size of a planet I thought the ESW 9 was nice but uncomfy for me and the HE 2, like most other Grados, didn't do anything for me.
  11. Steve, belated condolences on gramps. Reks... will I need to buy you a parrot for your shoulder soon? Aaaaaarrrrr! Need to get that leg in a sling so you can get well. We've been having fun here, the kitteh is back in the hospital after an emergency op to put a drain in his head as his infection flared up and he went completely loopy with his head swaying violently as pressure on his nerve caused him involuntary vertigo. Poor li'l guy couldn't stand of even keep his head still. More tests to see if they can figure it all out. Once again, wifey is distraught..
  12. tee-hee.. Tyll said a naughty word!
  13. Bananas FTW!
  14. yeah, unfortunately whatever I may use, the replacement wires will also need the same plugs and who knows how they'll go about that. I'm thinking a pair of small binding posts on the cups with screws will be easiest but dunno if anyone would go for that Sadly people are often fixated by these things even though literally anything else you do will have a bigger impact. I'd forgotten about lemo connectors, I'll look into them
  15. yeah, I thought as much. Guess I could see what they have in Frys though I don't recall seeing anything useful there from before.
  16. got a question for all you diy monkeys. What is a good connector type to use for swappable wires that is lockable? Mini BNC? I had a look around but I'm not sure how to actually solder wires to those plugs as they all seem made for coax. Is there any type you've come across which would be better suited in the mini range that isn't gonna be a huge ass-pain. I got a few people wanting a plug contraption like the HE5 and LCD2 and I have no idea what to use.
  17. Heh. I'm hoping to get started on the lambdapants soon with the sr lambda drivers purloined off Colin. I also still have some silicone putty which I might attempt a custom mold for the 003. I've been meaning to do it forever but it's difficult trying to mold your own ears with putty and an 003 by yourself. Should be messy and probably not work I would like to get them more comfy though as they are still damn fine wee phones.
  18. That's not disturbing..... wait until you get my saggy butt cheek impression.
  19. I will make a COS, certificate of smegness with an imprint of my butt cheeks for authenticity.
  20. *Ouch!*
  21. All your T50 are belong to me! For great justice.
  22. Is true, got a batch of three today at a hefty premium over the US price. I really hope these are back soon!
  23. updated the ipad and ipod to 4.21 with no trouble and the DACs. jailbreak soon and then get the mouse BT stack back in it. Haven't noticed anything different so far in any obvious way except the unified mail and background music.
  24. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    Hmm, seems like differing opinions all over the place. I guess I'm still a little curious.
  25. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    As long as the stock wires continue to carry electrickery I'll stick with them. Anyway, onto other orfoses... I been offered a straight trade of a HE-6 for a set of pants. Any opinions on whether it'd be worthwhile doing it? I have little real clue what the he-6 sounds like and I'm not sure I really care but thought I'd ask. Given that pants and the LCD2 are my thing I'm not sure the 6 would really suit me from the little I have read, I am still a tiny bit curious.
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