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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Smeggy

  1. Oh yes, I cranked it good 'n propper. Sounds better than they ever did with the low bias on the stax box. The Koss amp really brought them to life... in a 'twice as bright/half as long' kinda way They were going for a good 3/4 hour like that. It hasn't done any damage but probably would have if left for too much longer. But the sound.... the sound... aaaah
  2. one or both sides the same?
  3. Moar toobz!!1111 pair of sylvania 6SN7WGTs
  4. *DANGER* maniac at work!
  5. at that price I'd just hire a wet nurse. ...and give the baby formula
  6. that looks cold enough to freeze a moose's nuts!
  7. Woopie Goldberg, $1 Kate Winslett, $30 Your mom, priceless!
  8. he did say the drivers were 32 ohm native. I'd like a set but will wait on these as well.
  9. I thought you meant to say 'witch' but wench works too, as long as she's a buxom wench who supplies her own milk.
  10. Hah, they do look funky. Gladly I won't see them when they're on my head
  11. I thought you guys snuggled up to the nearest moose.
  12. because they're fashionable
  13. what, we can't have both? Patiently waiting for the first orthostatic to be invented....
  14. pussy
  15. What can I say, I like collecting power tools
  16. yeah, I have a 6" machinist vice, a 4" angle vice and a 6* cross slide vice. And two drill presses, two router tables a dremmel, 3 routers, bench belt sander, 2 drills, 2 table saws, lathe, 1 rotary cutter, 2 orbital, 1 belt and a finishing sander, planer, circular saw. jig saw and various other crap... Now I just need free time
  17. Nah, SRD-7
  18. heh, well the Beyer ET1000 is beating both right now except in comfort.
  19. it's only like 420volts over, should be fine.....
  20. Anyone know what the original bias of the Beyer ET1000 was? I'm running it from the Koss amp and the thing just kills but I don't wanna kill them! Shit they sound awesome. Oh, cute kitty
  21. Organizing shit is highly overrated
  22. Pah!
  23. BNC = British Naim Connector. Hey, it's still better than the DIN connectors on my old Naim stuff.
  24. after a bit more listening today I feel the smegma pros still have the edge on them for overall balance. The 950 is a bit shouty in the upper mids and are pretty bright. All from the E90 amp and SRD-7Mk2. I'll wait until the eXstata gets here for proper full evaluation but so-far the Stax still have it.
  25. Way cool
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