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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Smeggy

  1. I suspect, aside from the narrow headband they'll be quite comfy. No idea how they might sound. I like flat pads on supras as long as it's not uncovered foam, that just gets itchy.
  2. Orphan. sadly it's extremely predictable.
  3. Just got a proxxon mini milling table and an infra edge marker
  4. What is it on yours that isn't working right? It's a lovely amp and I hope yours is alive and well soon.
  5. I'm going 6.3v only for mine as I got a pair of really hefty supply boards so I can mebbe use some out of (standard) spec tubes 6h30, 6BL7GTA those kinda things that have more current draw.
  6. I gotta dig up a cheap mac mini at sone stage as a music server. Seems like a good little toy for that. In the meantime it'll just be my new lappy. Oh, nice set of mods going on there
  7. Well I finally caved and bought my first ipod, 8gig touch.
  8. Acer aspire 1410 and Bosch colt
  9. not when they're trapped inside a pith helmet.... Anyway, my last trip to ebay secured a quad of smelly old RCA 6S4A tubes. Apparently rabies free.
  10. The precious (sony ux) is starting to feel undernourished with it's 500Mb RAM and 16Gb drive...
  11. heh, *incoming..* anyways, 300V is good for the round about 60% thinking so I'm happy and learned a thing or two along the way. The questions I ask might sound a bit retarded, but that's only because I am a bit retarded I can now say I'm not as uninformed as I was yesterday, so that's good.
  12. The output from the transformer on the stacker is 230V, this driving a pair of 6sn7wgta (450v rated I believe) so running at less than optimal perhaps? Marc, that was a very informative read, didn't understand portions of it as I have no grounding in electronics whatsoever, so still over my head in parts but at least now I know what the parts do and where biasing comes from and what it means now I would say the tubes are barely coasting from what I can make out. I wouldn't mind driving them a little harder as they are pretty cheap.
  13. just a general question on tubes. Is there any rule of thumb regarding plate voltages for any given tube? I mean, if a tube is rated for 450V is it best run at the upper end or kept a bit lower? I know little about tubes and what is the best way to run them. Is there a benefit to running higher or lower voltages?
  14. To make things a little less precarious when carrying the thing around I wanted some 6sn7 tubes as they stick out less than the 6f8g+adapter so I bought a pair of Sylvania 6sn7wgta brown base, short bottles with the rounded black plates. Holy crap these tubes are energetic! They are fast, solid and very 'crunchy' if that's the word I'm looking for. Very dynamic and energy levels bordering on fatigue. Outstanding tubes for metal, perfect for rocking some mushroomhead etc. Thankfully I decided on used and the matched pair only cost $30 so, nice surprise for the cash.
  15. just means it'll break in moar faster than you intended, thereby saving you valuable time I run shunted pots on a couple of my amps btw, and so do a few others here. Ya makes your choices and takes ya chances
  16. if it's any consolation, shunted pots sound great Blown drivers, popped eardrums and severe heart palpitations are nothing compared to that.
  17. have a great birthday Marc
  18. Pair of these at $6 each... 5V @ 10A, 12V @ 1.5A with a nice little trimpot to adjust up to 6.3V for heaters MOAR POWAHZ!!!
  19. The stacker II is every bit as good as people say. It's incredible, powerful and sounds simple sublime to my ears. I was very lucky to be able to get the proto blooze had and it's been an absolute joy to use. Mine is still a bit dangerous to normal phones if used wrongly until a more suitable PSU is available as there is no offset/surge protection going on but used with care it's just dandy with the almost indestructable orthos. Once the teething issues are out of the way, this will be a huge hit I predict. I fully plan on getting a second one as a work rig because, daft as it might sound, I've been lugging this thing back and forth to work and back daily.. it's that good.
  20. sheet of acrylic
  21. I use the wife
  23. 2x 5 volt POWER SUPPLIES complete on board, also not a watch!!!
  24. /jealous/
  25. Well all I can say is the gods were smiling upon me to allow 600V through a 180V phone for the best part of an hour. I'd continue doing so if they weren't so damn rare. It's the best 'stat phone I own, or heard seeing as how I've yet to hear either O2 jades or HE phones. The ET1000 sounds fantastic to me.
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