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Everything posted by Smeggy

  1. In it's new clothes it can dish out really monster bass, way too much if you're not careful. The driver diaphragm is not very tight to start with and running them hard loosens them up more.
  2. The Fostex T50RP isn't very taut though it can be loosened a bit by dismantling and putting it back together.
  3. Where's the fucking USB socket??
  4. Where does the magical mystery bus fit in all this? One day I might even buy a real, actual desktop DAC with knobs, buttons and LEDs and stuff.
  5. yeah, $6k is a lot! Be nice to have one though
  6. Smeggy

    Beyer T1

    No matter how good the T1 may sound, it will never be as good as Voltrons current Avatar... which is moar awesome than any Beyer evar!
  7. The best senn *I've heard* is the 800, though I imagine I'd like the HE90 more. Not too hard for me really as I think the others suck ass.
  8. One day, wireless will come into it's own...
  9. Smeggy

    Beyer T1

    It would certainly be nice if beyer did manage an exciting hi end phone. I'm sure they have the know-how and resources to do it if they choose, they don't appear to have shown much interest in the past to go for such an endeavor. With all their studio and pro equipment, perhaps they never considered it worthwhile for the relatively small market they appeal to. Maybe they've come to see the positive side of prestige trickle down. Who knows, there have been many lamenting the lack of flagships over the last few years and now it appears we'll be swimming in them soon
  10. congrats zippy, that thing looks sweet. Dunno how he always manages to make his stuff look so damn awesome. It's a real shame it can't drive my car.
  11. New Old Stock DACs? Kewl
  12. Congrats regal, and welcome to the fold
  13. Smeggy

    Beyer T1

    you know you really wants to.....
  14. Congrats! That thing is quite the looker
  15. Smeggy

    Beyer T1

    indeed I do These will need to be something special to compete with the ET
  16. Mini-tool time!! To go with this along with some bits and stuff
  17. oops
  18. Nice, now when they get around to metal I'll be interested
  19. pfft, it's not even ebony
  20. Pics or ... your choice!
  21. I dunno, but I just had a turkey bacon toasted sandwich thing from starbucks and it tasted like ass! Turkey Bacon... it's just not natural.
  22. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    Just wondering if you tried any other pads on the he 5 yet?
  23. i use usb becsusethats what my picos need
  24. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    Buggeration, I want if these graphs are to be believed.
  25. I haven't heard any B&W speakers since the mid 80s.
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