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Everything posted by Smeggy

  1. Way to go Wes! Seems you're really onto something with that transfo-coupling. You should really do a USB-XLR thingybob so us 'puter users can also use it. Not that I can actually afford one but still.. Congrats my man.
  2. I'm bummed, my ipod touch popped it's left channel Saturday
  3. I found they both suck donkey balls because they only work on those faggy macs. I'll wait for the amarra ipod version
  4. That looks about 5 trillion times more useful than the ipad to me. If the price isn't too unreasonable...
  5. This thread is now officially WIN!!
  6. wow, it even has a cool 'terminator' sticker on the transformer! Badass!
  7. yeah, stupid single ended stuff always falls over. Balanced is the only way to go.
  8. You should get a stax amp, just to make sure there's enough voltage swing for your phones
  9. happy birthday Nate. Have a great one!
  10. Slow speed grinder and a airbrush
  11. Nice Mike, those look hot!
  12. I suppose it's just as well this was online. If it were a shop situation I think the stampede of asshats cold have been deadly, not to mention all the bitchslapping that would have gone on. On second thoughts.....
  13. ooh, gonna build this one, and it might even work afterwards
  14. bigger is obviously better.
  15. I'd hit it!!
  16. I p00n is flash, therefor ipad won't do poon in teh crapperz. Jobs did a jobbie on me.
  17. I'll run that one by the wife, see if she falls for it
  18. Try as I might, I still can't think of anything to really use the ipad for. It looks cool, would be fun to play with but will still be slower/worse than using my lappytop for just about everything I generally do, which is sad because I love to have an excuse to buy new toys. In this instance I can't think of one
  19. I do find it somewhat funny/ironic that this ipad thread is filled with videos that can't even be seen on the ipad/pod....
  20. You do realize that 99% of all Internet porn is flash. They could have marketed it as the ultimate Porno surfer, what do they do? Give us some cacky 'productivity' app..... If you can't watch poon, what's the point of the intertoobz!
  21. I still want flash, USB and multi-fucking-tasking dammitt!!! and I want it to get me a pizza when I'm hungry. Fucking apple.
  22. Bugger, I was hoping they'd announce two sizes. I'd really go for a 7" one, this seems a little on the big size for ideal portability. Oh well, mebbe later.
  23. I think not.... Nice to be even moar sexy than H-F
  24. Me likes, 'tis teh awesomes! Nice and clean looking and smells like roses too
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