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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Smeggy

  1. Dunno, I think the flat back would be more useful if less eye pleasing.
  2. ebony extensions don't count as real penises
  3. I wonder if there are any special discounts for people with GB as their initials
  4. ^ that is priceless
  5. didn't see much rage, just happy faces and wanton littering.
  6. maybe it's a new trend, different resistor types that sound better at different volume levels and it's all a very carefully worked out scheme ..or maybe he's just a hack.
  7. interesting... they also have this one. 33 steps @ 1.5db for $320
  8. We used to have a whole herd of coons come around the garden in Spokane. Wifey insisted on going out there and feeding them pounds of catfood. The mother would come around with about 5 babies in tow and she'd eat and then flump on the grass while the babies would all go for a bath in the big birdbaths. One of them came up and tweaked her toes, it was soooo cute In a flea infested, rabid kind of way. But yeah, all sorts of critters. Other regulars were friendly skunks and cats. And she's go out and feed them all! Funny thing was, the neighbors all found out about it and used to come over to take pictures of them all frolicking about.
  9. Want me some Mk2 paddings If it goes down, I'm in like Flynn!
  10. Aside from the old wharfedale, there isn't any ortho I've yet heard that is listenable in stock form. Even tweaked most are not my cup of tea. Rather listen to stats.
  11. I gave the 800 a pretty good listen and it's not for me. Lacked deep bass weight and body. Nice enough, but not nice enough if you get my meaning. Not heard the T1 yet, or Audeze or HE-5 for that matter. Sadly none are closed so not much use to me anyway.
  12. x3
  13. yeah, would definitely be a 'cannot unsee' moment
  14. Welcome Chris, congrats on your thick skin... I'm sure we'll be putting it to the test sooner or later
  15. Moar Fostex T50s and wood and wire and sleeving and lacquer and sprayguns and plugs and stuff.
  16. Thanks all. I had a bit of the day in the woodshop and whittled so I had some fun after work. And then there was Sunday, a day of sleeping late, late breakfast at the cafe wit wifey, moar whittling and listening to nice tunes.
  17. Very cool. I like that form factor, it has a look about it. I think mine ( ) will have to have a mesh top to see all the goodies inside.
  18. Have an uneventful tour and make moar amps to pass the time
  19. Happy Birthday Voltron my robot bud
  20. Damn, I hate you! wants taig lathe
  21. Will see if it's too heavy for nipple clamps first.... *rummages through BDSM box*
  22. best thing with that is that you can trade it in for a new on for only 99 bux when the battery goes flat
  23. yah, and, as usual, they've gone for pretty over character. Wonder why everyone now has to look like they just fell off the 90210 set... with stubble
  24. Pervs.
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