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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Smeggy

  1. tanks hopefully Brians will arrive soon and Bins Pau Rosa set is ready to go. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3084[/ATTACH]
  2. Smeggy

    sick of head-fi

    As someone on the chat suggested, it would be funny as all shit to replace the HD 800 pic with a headcase logo.
  3. is it done yet, is it done yet???
  4. open unibody open version on the way soon. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3080[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]3081[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]3082[/ATTACH]
  5. the o2 pads look a little odd on those oval baffles but the comfort and sound will be well worth it. Glad you like them. You have a fully collaborative headphone there
  6. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    one day they will do it for me too. I feel bound to get a set.
  7. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    well they'll certainly be very different, them being open and TPs being closed. The Audeze probably has twice the driver surface of the Fostex driver, sadly that price will put them out of reach for a while.
  8. I have no news to be evasive about. If or when I'm sure you'll hear The main reason I wanted the koa was for a set of my own, I've been trying to find a good piece of dry koa for ages. However, 8 feet x 10" x 1" was a bit more than I bargained for. If you're interested in a piece, Steve, I'll be happy to send you some. You too Naaman.
  9. Hehe Well it was so awesome I couldn't help but go down to see what it would look like with some oil in it
  10. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3072[/ATTACH] Holy crap!!
  11. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3070[/ATTACH] This is teh sexy I know what you mean though. Awesome wood and finding well seasoned, large pieces is very difficult and very expensive. If you'd like the other half I can see about shipping it your way. They wouldn't sell a piece of it so I had no choice but to buy the whole board.
  12. Got it at my local woodcraft. It was in a stack of lumber as plain Koa. I pulled it out and lo and behold... curly from head to foot! the whole board was over 8 feet long. I had them cut it in half for transportation. No pics of it yet. Not a bad price either, $215 for me Oh, dry as a bone too. It's been air dryed over a long period.
  13. 6.5 board foot of curly koa and a big block of curly maple.
  14. Happy birthday!! :jbl:
  15. boo should wear pair for canjam, I'd make an extra effort to get there
  16. fixed that for you.
  17. damn, cannot..stop..looking...
  18. is that thunder in your pants or are you just pleased to see me
  19. Smeggy

    Audeze LCD-2

    smeggy is in love
  20. woohoo, platinum hammers all round!!
  21. The TPs are well on the way to completion
  22. Being dead, kai doesn't require ayre.
  23. Bowls are awesome for giving yourself a cool haircut though [ATTACH=CONFIG]3018[/ATTACH]
  24. I want one as a foster carcass
  25. With only 2 of the same DACses, I'm obviously well below my allotted number and should expand my DAC collection with an electrostatic DAC.
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