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Everything posted by swampsong
Thank you Helium, found them and they are on the way. Hope i can get started this week.
Ohhhh that makes sense, I guess my lack of experience is showing, thank you??
Looking for the last parts on the BOM, this one says back ordered till January anybody using a substitute or know where i can find some: 1n4007 625-1n4007gp-e3/54 1.0 Amp 1000 VoltVishay Rectifiers https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/vishay/1n4007gp-e3-54/?qs=N4vtoAxH%2fSroP3EzTqv8Nw%3d%3d&countrycode=US&currencycode=USD and this one says March: .1uf/50v 80-c324c104j5r5ta Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors MLCC - Leaded 50volts 0.1uF 5% X7R https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/KEMET/C324C104J5R5TA?qs=cxy41lVAGV93OCTUVZDn7w%3D%3D And also trying to figure out what type of screws everybody was using these days? going to reread the thread and see if i get any more details on those... Are peek screws still the preferred? Thanks, new boards were supposed to be here today but post office text said nobody was here, but i was here so i bet I'll have to pick them up Monday... -James
Nothing wrong with the boards in the pics, and yes they are the new ones Kevin posted a few weeks ago. I picked up this set from a user on Head-Fi. Excited to get them and get started -James
Yes i would second that, i read through this thread twice and having those early pictures would be great. My new boards should be here in a week or so and i can finally begin... I probably could have started with the old ones but why not spend more money... lol -James Here are pics
I like it, i'll make something similar, thank you JoaMatt
FYI: The guy on headfi (kytuphicanh) that bought my chassis and board set from just sent me this: I’ve just finalized a 2018 version of the T2 boards with Kevin Gilmore. Some small errors fixed, silkscreen edited here and there, a bit easier to work on (slimmer, less copper thickness), rounded corners. Going to order a small batch soon, if you are interested in for back up, let me know, I will squeeze in for you. They come in red this time though. I was already going to order a new set with GeorgeP, are these the same ones you will be doing? And i'm assuming he is talking about the board layouts Kevin posted a few posts above? Anyways hopefully Sunday i can start getting all of my parts layed out and begin my plan of attack. Thanks to everyone for all of their help. -James
Okay ordered thank you again
Thank you Whitigir, much appreciated, there is one other part i was having track down: I need 4 Bridge rectifier, part number 512-kbu4m but it appears to be obsolete as well, would part number 512-GBU4M be okay? The specs are pretty similar... But i didn't want to assume... After that i just need to find the screws and wait for a few backorder items on mouser and i think that is it...
Thank you JoaMat i looked up that MK-168 going to order one its not very expensive... Yes i wondered about sourcing some new parts, like for instance, the six 680uF/450v i need for the power supply, the part number on the original BOM is no longer available, could i substitute with these ones 594-MAL225957681E3: https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/594-MAL225957681E3 Also for the op27, i'm not sure which ones are the right ones to get... My BOM says allied electronics and has a part number of 630-0741 but i can't seem to find that? Is there a newer part number i can use on mouse or allied?
I shrunk the images so they would fit the limit here: 2sa1486 2sc3381 2sc375, looks like i have three different kinds? 2sj79 2sk216 2sk46 So what do you all think? did i get screwed, are the pics bad, i can look up how to link to the full res ones tomorrow if so... thanks for any help
I will i'll get some pics up later tonight, thank you all
Yes I'm a bit worried about the sand as well, he said he tested them, but considering the source everything is suspect now.. I purchased the DY294 tester, was going to run through all of them before even attempting to solder... would that be a good way to be sure? I remember reading there was another way to test them with a much more expensive device, I'll be rereading those posts as well. Of course i was also going to visual inspect each of them, compare them to the pics I've seen on this thread and in this forum to make sure they are real... Also, it seems my board is the smaller one with an error? GeorgeP mentioned it can be fixed, does anyone have a link to that or more info? If not i guess i should declare them a loss and see about getting in on GeorgeP next board run... i'm thinking more and more i'm going to do that no matter what... Yes its expensive but i'm stubborn and i won't stop until i have one working.. cost is always a concern but this project is about a lot more than just money... if that makes sense.... and why else do i work 12 hour days, if not to have expensive hobbies But before writing off all these parts, i need to be sure....
Ouch well maybe if i build a second one it won't be such a loss, and I won't be going to someone that scammed a bunch... Brazilnut is pretty sure the guy i'm talking to is really Tran... I guess he has told him different stories in the past... Lesson learned, i should have posted on here before ordering on headfi, i guess i didn't expect you all to be so helpful about a 10 year old project, really appreciate it... Now If only my work life would slow down so i can focus on whats really important :):)
Yes i probably shouldn't have purchased from him, but that was before i knew everything that i know now...
FYI he does know Tran, said he picked up the boards from him many years ago, and the chassis was inspired by his design?, said he was in a coma, didn't know his current situation now, and that he lived near him... I said well if you talk to him i know there are some guys on headcase that would love a refund... small world, well not that small when it comes to DIY electrostatic amps it seems.. oh yea he said GeorgeP does great work too
Does any of the boards available? i would pick one up, and is there a thread for it? or a BOM? sounds interesting, i'm still going to get an RK50 but i like options... and i might end up with two chassis sets soon...
I'm going to look that up thanks G600, but i am still going to order an RK50 Though i don't mind soldering at all... mmmm so many cool things to do...
5500 was the price with everything including my mouser order, the sockets, etc... and 350 in shipping and about another 300 in paypal fees, only thing i really need is the RK50 and a few things from mouser i couldn't' find just yet, but i'm going to research and ask for help as i get to those... he charged me 1295 for the board and sand set, 1800 for the chassis, 350 for the umbilical, and then he had the stax sockets, power button and led for like another $100 i think... Maybe if i build a second one i won't waste so much money the next time but that sounds like i might be crazy and getting ahead of myself, something i often do :):) I didn't think anybody was going to have any of these anytime soon, so went ahead and purchased, but i sounds like i could have found the sand if i was patient, and GeorgeP almost has enough users for a new chassis and board set... but oh well.. i'm having fun and right now in my life that is a huge deal :):)
Oh okay... well if the poor guy passed away... still though i might ask him if he knows someone named Tran... just curious.. but yes you are right 4 years ago was a long time... thank you all...
Okay thank you, i'll test that the amp board fits tonight Yea the PSU board was just in there not mounted so i can slide it forward i'm sure no problem Still though if this guy ripped some users off and is now selling those on head-fi maybe i should ask him about it? he has been very forthcoming... i liked to see what his response is... its weird and i think other users at headfi should know... he sold a few more sets after me and is asking for others to do a board run with too...
Here are my board and chassis set, the board says this on it incase the pics don't come through good: Production revision 1.08 Silkscreen version 1.04 Shrunk Version
interesting are the angle brackets the parts the boards mount to on the inside? mine has those... I'll take some pics and show in just a bit... Okay thanks for the tip Kevin, i thought he was trying to make me feel unusually guilty about the money i spent but just wanted to be polite when i'm online having fun with my hobby :):)