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Everything posted by garageboy

  1. Man I like the idea of playing with tapes and as a kid I wanted a wm-d6 or tc-d5 - but they're expensive to buy and expensive to service and I got zero music on cassette I wanted a DAT walkman too, but those are apparently even worse for reliability?
  2. Which older lambdas are the good "classic" lambdas? Do I have to hunt down a sr202/207, normal bias, or pro? I have the L300 and they're a bit wonky/shouty with female vocals...
  3. Dan is not the president of the company? Or was there a "restructuring"? I remember seeing emails asking for investors for DCA
  4. So the srm500t (using 6cg7) has potential to supply more power than the twice the price srm700t?
  5. So the most "up to date" SRX+ would be that schematic above, with power supply?
  6. Will a Lundahl LL1630PP allow me to use a 300B SE amp (~7watts), or am I asking for too much? What's the limitation of these transformers vs. a dedicated amp? Thanks
  7. Twisted output is not good because of capacitance issues, or something else?
  8. I guess this and the srx+ are the choice for simpler DIY builds? Now if I can only get some boards... The nectar was tempting because it's easy to obtain
  9. I wonder if it's possible to jumper/bypass the resistors on the output - so you can use the headphone out direct from the transformers
  10. What does the headphone out section add in the circuit?
  11. Huh, thats dirt under the 2sc3675s and not magic transistor dust? What would cause the diodes to blow to begin with.
  12. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F273834429795 Good luck with that... $1500 for a blown kgss
  13. Why, though? I rather they improve the yokes
  14. I may have a dumb idea, I know everyone complains about the bass on the new stax that don't seal up fully - would silicone work?
  15. New ether 2 is out - wonder how these will fare - it's getting decent reviews on both the other sites, so it may be doing something right
  16. After everything settles down, will there be a list of leftovers?
  17. At least the schiit dacs are ok? Are audio gd's builds and designs really better at this price range? Cheap and "feature rich" sells, I guess. And damn, I've seen nicer xlrs on counterfeit shures
  18. Techni-tool was a great place to get test equipment and tools from Desktop cnc machines are a bit finnicky, my dad probably should have stuck with his old sherline vs this maxnc contraption he has no idea how to use
  19. Not trolling at all. Considering they're all 12au7/6dj8/6sn7 driving a 6080 in otl, I thought they were a bit related, electrically, and was curious what the differences were. I joined here hoping to pick up some diy amp building knowledge that isn't around anywhere else, and I didn't know where to start...
  20. How similar is the circuit to the woo, the darkvoice, and the Millet?
  21. Which 300Bs would you say are comparable to the 90s remakes? Even those are up there in price now. This is why my dad stuck to 6a3 tubes
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