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Everything posted by hy2a3

  1. Head-Case.org amazes me. Just added to my religious lexicon. Anyway, Is Dr. Kevin Gilmore's KSA5 Gerber file locked away in a vault? Can't seem to locate the gerber zip to build a single board to myself. Will cost $$$, but I need to do this right avoiding the Chinese clone temptation. Help anyone, if the zip is still open to private use (not commericial).
  2. Thanks for the ZeroZone experience. Got did get reply from Ebay seller "DiyTalent86", the Zero Zone Assembled KG KSA5 board is 1 oz copper.
  3. Anyone have a Kevin's KSA5 bare board to sell? Waiting for all my parts to arrive, intending to build on an Ebay Chinese board clone by Zero Zone. Thought better and will not use; I want to be certain that the board I use have 2oz of copper. Thanks.
  4. Par, thanks for the lead.
  5. Hi, new to Head-Case.org. I wish to build Kevin's GRLV; going over BOM, MJW21194G/93G and MJF15030G/31G is not available through the reliable Mouser nor Digikey distributors. Am I overlooking a source that most are using for the BJT's? I think not, so can you recommend alternative (s) for both complement pairs. The GRLV will be used for Kevin Gilmore's KAS5 Klone. Thanks.
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